Working Paper by Harald Kümmerle on Japanʼs COVID-19 response, surveillance capitalism and cyber civilization

A new working paper by DIJ researcher Harald Kümmerle examines Japan’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in comparison to other East Asian countries. Drawing on Shoshana Zuboffʼs perspective of surveillance capitalism and Jiro Kokuryoʼs theory of cyber civilization, it argues that Japanʼs aerosol and droplet simulations on the supercomputer Fugaku helped devise efficient countermeasures that did not aim for the complete elimination of the virus. The paper also demonstrates the importance of understanding how the measures in Japan related to the idea of trust and successfully relied on self-restraint (jishuku). Calibrating Social Theories of Digital Technology based on Japan’s COVID-19 Response: Surveillance Capitalism and Cyber Civilization is published open access as Working Paper No. 3 by Keio University’s Global Research Institute.