DIJ ワーキングペーパー
Wie Phönix aus der Asche – oder Japans Wunsch der Neuerfindung durch die Olympischen Spiele 2020
Wie Phönix aus der Asche – oder Japans Wunsch der Neuerfindung durch die Olympischen Spiele 2020
バーバラ・ホルトス; Wolfram Manzenreiter
Bullseye view: Developing a sociological method for studying happiness
Bullseye view: Developing a sociological method for studying happiness
ズザンネ・ブルクシュ; Schultz, Franziska
Ageing in Japan. Domestic Healthcare Technologies. A Qualitative Interview Study on Care Robots, Monitoring Sensor Systems, and ICT-based Telehealth Systems
Ageing in Japan. Domestic Healthcare Technologies. A Qualitative Interview Study on Care Robots, Monitoring Sensor Systems, and ICT-based Telehealth Systems
トビアス・ソルドナー; Bachmann, Julia
Bouncing Back After Failure: Perceived and Actual Similarity as a Coping Resource in Multinational Work Teams
Bouncing Back After Failure: Perceived and Actual Similarity as a Coping Resource in Multinational Work Teams
The Politics of Balancing Flexibility and Equality: A Comparison of Recent Equal Pay Reforms in Germany and Japan
The Politics of Balancing Flexibility and Equality: A Comparison of Recent Equal Pay Reforms in Germany and Japan
フランツ・ヴァルデンベルガー; Eguchi, Takaaki
Management Careers, Internal Control and Corporate Governance. Where Japan and Germany Differ
Management Careers, Internal Control and Corporate Governance. Where Japan and Germany Differ
Waldenberger, Franz
Fully reserve backed money – a solution to Japan’s fiscal and monetary challenges
Fully reserve backed money – a solution to Japan’s fiscal and monetary challenges
Hemmert, Martin; Kohlbacher, Florian; Cheng, Ying; Kotosaka, Masahiro; Loh, Chang-Ti; Waldenberger, Franz
High-tech Start-up Ecosystems in East Asian Agglomerations: Are They Different From the West?
High-tech Start-up Ecosystems in East Asian Agglomerations: Are They Different From the West?
ティム・ティーフェンバッハ; フローリアン・コールバッハ
Disasters, donations, and tax law changes: Disentangling effects on subjective well- being by exploiting a natural experiment
Disasters, donations, and tax law changes: Disentangling effects on subjective well- being by exploiting a natural experiment
バーバラ・ホルトス; フェーベ・ステラー・ホルドグリューン; フェーベ・ステラー・ホルドグリューン; Holthus, Barbara
Gender and Political Participation in post-3/11 Japan
Gender and Political Participation in post-3/11 Japan
カローラ・ホメリヒ; Schöneck, Nadine M.
Vorzeigenationen unter Druck? Wahrnehmungen von sozialer Ungleichheit und Statuserwerbsprozessen – Deutschland und Japan im Vergleich
Vorzeigenationen unter Druck? Wahrnehmungen von sozialer Ungleichheit und Statuserwerbsprozessen – Deutschland und Japan im Vergleich
フェーベ・ステラー・ホルドグリューン; ティム・ティーフェンバッハ
Happiness, Civil Society Participation and Voluntariness: Analyzing the Case of Neighborhood Associations in Japan
Happiness, Civil Society Participation and Voluntariness: Analyzing the Case of Neighborhood Associations in Japan
フローリアン・コールバッハ; ティム・ティーフェンバッハ
Disentangling the Happiness Effects of Natural Disasters: The Mitigating Effects of Charitable Donations
Disentangling the Happiness Effects of Natural Disasters: The Mitigating Effects of Charitable Donations
ティム・ティーフェンバッハ; Goebel, Jan; Krekel, Christian; Ziebarth, Nicolas R.
Natural Disaster, Policy Action, and Mental Well-Being: The Case of Fukushima
Natural Disaster, Policy Action, and Mental Well-Being: The Case of Fukushima
フローリアン・コールバッハ; ティム・ティーフェンバッハ
Happiness and Life Satisfaction in Japan by Gender and Age
Happiness and Life Satisfaction in Japan by Gender and Age
フローリアン・コールバッハ; ティム・ティーフェンバッハ
Happiness from the Viewpoint of Economics: Findings from Recent Survey Data in Japan
Happiness from the Viewpoint of Economics: Findings from Recent Survey Data in Japan
フローリアン・コールバッハ; ティム・ティーフェンバッハ
Subjektives Glücksempfinden und seine Einflussfaktoren im japanischen Kontext: Eine glücksökonomische Analyse der Ergebnisse des National Survey on Lifestyle Preferences (Fiskaljahr 2010)
Subjektives Glücksempfinden und seine Einflussfaktoren im japanischen Kontext: Eine glücksökonomische Analyse der Ergebnisse des National Survey on Lifestyle Preferences (Fiskaljahr 2010)
Bullfighting in Oki: Source of Comprehensive Subjective Well-Being? Tradition, Social Interaction and Personal ikigai
Bullfighting in Oki: Source of Comprehensive Subjective Well-Being? Tradition, Social Interaction and Personal ikigai
The Advent of Vulnerability. Japans' Free Fall through a Porous Safety Net
The Advent of Vulnerability. Japans' Free Fall through a Porous Safety Net
アクセル・クライン; バーバラ・ホルトス
The Fertility Rate and the Economic Crisis - Discussing a Theoretical Attempt to Predict Demographic Development in Japan
The Fertility Rate and the Economic Crisis - Discussing a Theoretical Attempt to Predict Demographic Development in Japan
フローリアン・コールバッハ; Prieler, Michael; Hagiwara, Shigeru; Arima, Akie
Gendered Portrayals of Older People in Japanese Television Advertising
Gendered Portrayals of Older People in Japanese Television Advertising
The Quest for Happiness in Japan (日本の幸せの探索)
The Quest for Happiness in Japan (日本の幸せの探索)
田中 洋美
Low fertility, the wish for children, and social inequalities in contemporary Japanese society
Low fertility, the wish for children, and social inequalities in contemporary Japanese society
Michael Prieler; フローリアン・コールバッハ; Hagiwara, Shigeru; Arima, Akie
The Representation of Older People in Japanese Television Advertising
The Representation of Older People in Japanese Television Advertising
ガブリエレ・フォーグト; Lersch, Philipp
Migrant Support Organizations in Japan - A Survey(日本の外国人を支える団体。アンケート調査の結果について)
Migrant Support Organizations in Japan - A Survey(日本の外国人を支える団体。アンケート調査の結果について)
Staat und Nation: Zum Verhältnis von Feminismus und Nationalstaat in Japan, 1918-1945
Staat und Nation: Zum Verhältnis von Feminismus und Nationalstaat in Japan, 1918-1945
Turning Boomers into Boomerangs - Japanese Human Resource Management Practices and the Aging Workforce
Turning Boomers into Boomerangs - Japanese Human Resource Management Practices and the Aging Workforce
Internationalization Strategies of the German and Japanese Automobile and Supplier Industries
Internationalization Strategies of the German and Japanese Automobile and Supplier Industries
Coping with Low Fertility? Japan’s Government Measures for a Gender Equal Society(少子化対策を考える—男女共同参画社会を作るための日本政府の施策)
Coping with Low Fertility? Japan’s Government Measures for a Gender Equal Society(少子化対策を考える—男女共同参画社会を作るための日本政府の施策)
Doors wide shut? The current discourse on labor migration to Japan(ドアはワイドに閉まっている?日本への労働移住に対する最新論)
Doors wide shut? The current discourse on labor migration to Japan(ドアはワイドに閉まっている?日本への労働移住に対する最新論)
Japans kinderarme Gesellschaft – Die niedrige Geburtenrate und das Gender-Problem(日本の少子化社会—低出生率のジェンダー問題)
Japans kinderarme Gesellschaft – Die niedrige Geburtenrate und das Gender-Problem(日本の少子化社会—低出生率のジェンダー問題)
ハラルト・ドレス; Söderman, Sten
Implementing a Professional Football League in Japan - Challenges to Research in International Business (”Jリーグ開幕” 日本のプロサッカーの発展についで ー 国際マネジメント研究を呼びおこす)
Implementing a Professional Football League in Japan - Challenges to Research in International Business (”Jリーグ開幕” 日本のプロサッカーの発展についで ー 国際マネジメント研究を呼びおこす)
ハラルト・ドレス; Wilmking, Niklas
International Joint Ventures in China after WTO Accession: Will Trust Relations Change?(WTO参加以後の中国における国際合弁企業について - 信頼関係に変化が起こるか。)
International Joint Ventures in China after WTO Accession: Will Trust Relations Change?(WTO参加以後の中国における国際合弁企業について - 信頼関係に変化が起こるか。)
ハラルト・ドレス; Söderman, Sten
Ahead of the Game - The Network of Value Captures in Professional Football(試合前に・プロサッカーにおける価値活動のネットワーク)
Ahead of the Game - The Network of Value Captures in Professional Football(試合前に・プロサッカーにおける価値活動のネットワーク)
アンドレアス・メルケ; Kamann, Simon
Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels: Fallbeispiel Automobilindustrie
Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels: Fallbeispiel Automobilindustrie
ハラルト・コンラット; Heindorf, Viktoria
Farewell to the Seniority Principle? Aging Workforces and the Restructuring of Japanese Compensation Practices
Farewell to the Seniority Principle? Aging Workforces and the Restructuring of Japanese Compensation Practices
ハラルト・ドレス; Söderman, Sten
Globalization of Sports - The Case of Professional Football and its International Management Challenges (プロスポ–ツの国際化 – プロサッカ–のマネ–ジメントの国際化について)
Globalization of Sports - The Case of Professional Football and its International Management Challenges (プロスポ–ツの国際化 – プロサッカ–のマネ–ジメントの国際化について)