German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ)
Jōchi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F, 7-1 Kioichō, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0094
The event will be held in English.
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Leadership in a Digital World: Innovative – Human – Collaborative
2019年11月7日 / 17時〜19時
Leuphana University, Lüneburg, and LeadershipGarage@stanford.edu
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo (DIJ)
German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH)
Today’s working environment is heavily driven by dynamic digitalization, but leadership is more than just a digital investment. It requires leaders to build and foster meaningful relationships, understand and implement new technologies, as well as build a meaningful culture of innovation.
- In order to be able to cope with the pressure of innovation in the digital world, companies need digital solutions and a supporting innovation culture.
- Despite the increasing importance of technology, leaders must focus on people and relationships – the true drivers of their company.
- Managers must now communicate and lead remotely, creating new challenges for building trust, motivating employees, and ensuring performance.
The workshop offers a glimpse into our research with case studies from our global partners and assists participants in exchanging experiences and innovative ideas on their personal leadership behavior. Prof. Dr. Sabine Remdisch will talk about digital leadership and the new skillset of the future leader. Christian Otto will give an in-depth look into the importance success factors of integrating new technologies into leadership.
Prof. Dr. Sabine Remdisch: Leading the LeadershipGarage
Business psychologist, expert on digital work, professor at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, guest researcher at Stanford University, and entrepreneur. Prof. Remdisch spends a lot of her time in Silicon Valley, learning from the entrepreneurial spirit, the culture of innovation, the internationality of the environment, and collaborating with successful startups and market leaders.
Christian Otto: Connecting Leadership & Technology in the Lab
A research associate and education scientist at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, who focusses on lifelong learning and the transfer of knowledge between universities and the local economy. Mr. Otto spends a lot of time discussing future-oriented leadership with practitioners, working together to derive practical approaches to innovation.
About the LeadershipGarage
The LeadershipGarage is a collaboration space at the intersection of science and industry, created in cooperation with renowned companies and the H-STAR Institute of Stanford University. It jumpstarts the future of companies by helping leaders to empower their workforce and create a forward-thinking digital culture.
Inside the Digital Leadership Lab
The Digital Leadership Lab draws from the research of the LeadershipGarage and offers tools and methods for leading remotely, leading innovation processes, and collaboration in virtual teams. It connects leaders with the latest tools of the digital world and assess innovative applications and working methods with academic guidance to help develop a successful innovation culture.