National Approaches to Systemic Risk:
Germany and Japan under the COVID-19 Crisis

DIJ DWIH Web-Forum
The perception, assessment, communication and containment of risks is an ongoing challenge for individuals, organizations and societies at large. The present COVID-19 pandemic reveals the profound problems countries confront and the difficult trade-offs they have to make when facing systemic risks combined with a high degree of uncertainty. It also shows remarkable differences in the way national governments, businesses and citizens are prepared for the crisis and are trying to cope with its various dimensions. In our online forum, two leading risk researchers from Japan and Germany will analyze and evaluate the crisis responses in their countries. The discussion will explore the similarities and differences in the national approaches, possible reasons and implications. Details
Ortwin Renn, Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
Norio Okada, Prof. em. Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research Institute
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