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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

セバスチャン・ ポラック=ロットマン

セバスチャン・ ポラック=ロットマン
2022年11月 ~


日本の農山村を研究している政治学者である。これまで主観的幸福感と政治参加の関連性について(DOC-team grant)学際的調査を行い、2022年にウィーン大学で博士号を取得した。2017年~2022年、ウィーン大学で講師として勤め、阿蘇地方へのデジタル・フィールドスクールなどを担当していた。ドイツ日本研究所では、農村地域のレジリエンスに関する研究を行い、その中で、包括的なケアの提供、または地域住民の活動について研究している。




Research into Japanese society: Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Recent Publications

Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2024). "Review of Hokkaido Dairy Farm: Cosmopolitics of Otherness and Security on the Frontiers of Japan Paul Hansen, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2024, xii, 304 pp. + index, ISBN 978-1-43849-647-4 hb,". Japanese Studies. LINK
Jentzsch, Hanno & Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2024). "Community-Based Care During COVID-19: Balancing Social Distancing and Social Care in Rural Japan – The Case of the Aso Region". Tha Asia-Pacific Journal - Japan Focus, 22/3/5. LINK
Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2024). Wie politische Partizipation Freude bereiten kann: Sechs Dimensionen des subjektiven Wohlbefindens politisch handelnder Personen im ländlichen Japan. Iudicium (DIJ Monographien). LINK
Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian, Schweyer, Victoria & Wunderlich, Jana (2023). "Gute Orte für das Alter: Bestandsrevitalisierung für eine kommunenbasierte Altenpflege". Archithese, 4.2023 (pp. 18-23). LINK
Traphagan, John W. & Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2023). "Cosmopolitan rurality and changing life in rural Japan". In: Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (Eds.), Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 187-210). Department of East Asian Studies. (Beiträge zur Japanologie). LINK
Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (2023). "Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Introduction". In: Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (Eds.), Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 7-13). Department of East Asian Studies. (Beiträge zur Japanologie). LINK
Jentzsch, Hanno & Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2023). "Rural spaces, remote methods – the virtual Aso Winter Field School 2022". In: Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (Eds.), Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 63-78). Department of East Asian Studies. (Beiträge zur Japanologie). LINK
Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (2023). Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Department of East Asian Studies (Beiträge zur Japanologie). LINK
Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2023). "Being active and sharing happy moments: exploring the relationship of political participation and subjective well-being". Asian Anthropology (pp. 1-5). LINK