2008年4月年 - 2009年4月
Completed Projects
DIJ 社会科学研究会
Civil Society Activities and the Social Integration of Immigrants: Juxtaposing Beppu and Halle
DIJ 社会科学研究会
Civil Society Activities and the Social Integration of Immigrants: Juxtaposing Beppu and Halle
DIJ 社会科学研究会
Reinventing Culinary Heritage in Northern Japan: Slow Food and ‘Traditional Vegetables’
DIJ 社会科学研究会
Reinventing Culinary Heritage in Northern Japan: Slow Food and ‘Traditional Vegetables’
DIJ 社会科学研究会
Apron-Advocacy for the Good of the Nation State? Patterns of Political Participation among Nationalist Women in Contemporary Japan
DIJ 社会科学研究会
Apron-Advocacy for the Good of the Nation State? Patterns of Political Participation among Nationalist Women in Contemporary Japan
DIJ 社会科学研究会
The other demographic time bomb: Japan's last generation of witnesses to war and its fading message
DIJ 社会科学研究会
The other demographic time bomb: Japan's last generation of witnesses to war and its fading message
DIJ フォーラム
Invisible Civil Society: The Effects of 1960s New Left Protests on Contemporary Japan
DIJ フォーラム
Invisible Civil Society: The Effects of 1960s New Left Protests on Contemporary Japan
DIJ フォーラム
Images of Japanese society presented in the ‘New Civic Textbook’ by Tsukuru-kai. Solutions for demographic challenges and social change?(「新しい歴史教科書を作る会」における日本の姿。人口動態変化と社会改革の打開策は?)
DIJ フォーラム
Images of Japanese society presented in the ‘New Civic Textbook’ by Tsukuru-kai. Solutions for demographic challenges and social change?(「新しい歴史教科書を作る会」における日本の姿。人口動態変化と社会改革の打開策は?)
DIJ フォーラム
Postindustrial Pressures, Political Regime Shifts, and Social Policy Reform in Japan and South Korea(脱工業化、日本と韓国における政治組織と社会福祉政策上の変化)
DIJ フォーラム
Postindustrial Pressures, Political Regime Shifts, and Social Policy Reform in Japan and South Korea(脱工業化、日本と韓国における政治組織と社会福祉政策上の変化)
