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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien







Recent Publications

Kümmerle, Harald (2024). "Calibrating Social Theories of Digital Technology based on Japan’s COVID-19 Response: Surveillance Capitalism and Cyber Civilization". KGRI Working Papers, 3 (pp. 1-29). LINK
Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (2024). "Japan’s ‘consensual’ variety of digital capitalism and its global relevance". Asia Pacific Business Review. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2023). On the relation between Japan’s COVID-19 response and the National Data Strategy. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2023). "More Than a Certification Scheme: Information Banks in Japan Under Changing Norms of Data Usage". In: Khare, Anshuman & Baber, William W. (Eds.), Adopting and Adapting Innovation in Japan's Digital Transformation (pp. 193-211). Springer Nature. (Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific). LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2022). "Catchword LINE mondai". DIJ Newsletter, 68. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2022). Japans digitale Transformation: Vorreiter, Nachzügler und Partner. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2022). "Japanese data strategies, global surveillance capitalism, and the “LINE problem”". Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research, Vol. 3, No. 1 (pp. 134-159). LINK
Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (2020). "Introduction". In: Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (Eds.), The Digital Transformation – Implications for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (pp. 7-9). DIJ. (DIJ Miscellanea).
Kümmerle, Harald (2020). "Postscript: Comparative and historical perspectives on the digital transformation". In: Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (Eds.), The Digital Transformation – Implications for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (pp. 81-84). DIJ. (DIJ Miscellanea).
Waldenberger, Franz (2020). "Knowledge production and the role of SSH in the digital age". In: Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (Eds.), The Digital Transformation – Implications for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (pp. 72-80). DIJ. (DIJ Miscellanea).
Kümmerle, Harald (2020). "Digitale Transformation in Japan: Diskurs- analyse anhand des Datenbegriffs". DIJ Newsletter, 61. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (Eds.) (2020). The Digital Transformation. Implications for the Social Sciences and the Humanities. DIJ. LINK
Waldenberger, Franz (2018). "Society 5.0. Japanische Ambitionen und Initiativen (Deutsche Fassung)". Die digitale Zukunft (Auslandsinformationen 1) (pp. 54-61). LINK
Waldenberger, Franz (2018). "Society 5.0. Japanese Ambitions and Initiatives". The Digital Future (International Reports 1) (pp. 48-55). LINK


2023年9月11日 - 2023年9月13日
Discursive and material dimensions of the digital transformation: Perspectives from and on Japan

DIJ 人文科学・歴史研究会
Data protection regulation in Japan against the background of international trends

MWS Web Forum Series ‘The Digital Transformation’
Knowledge Production in a Data Driven Society

DIJ フォーラム
Data and Values
German and Japanese perspectives