2000, ISBN 3-89129-506-5, € 47,00, iudicium Verlag, Munich, 328 p., hardcover [オーダー]著者
Facing Asia - Japan's Role in the Political and Economic Dynamism of Regional Cooperation (アジアと日本 -政治経済的地域協力における日本の役割(英文))

Facing Asia examines the political and economic processes of regionalism and regionalization in Asia with a focus on Japan and Japanese actors. The articles by eminent scholars address the forces that tie the region together. They treat topics ranging from Japanese bilateral and multilateral ODA and the activities of state and non-state actors on the regional level to issues such as Japanese multinational corporations, foreign direct investment in Asia, and regional financial institutions. Methodologically, the authors draw on disciplinary strengths in either the social sciences or economics while organizing their treatment around a shared political-economic perspective. By looking at Asia through an interdisciplinary lens, the volume offers something to anyone interested in Japanese involvement in the politics and economics of the region. In the final chapter, the editors weave together the different approaches to Japan’s place in Asian regional cooperation in the 1990s and beyond.
Will Japan Play a Leadership Role in East Asian Regional Political and Economic Integration?
pp. 11-20
Asian Expectations toward Japan's Role in the Consensual Process of Regional Integration: The Case of the East Asian Economic Caucus
pp. 21-56
Flirting with Regionalism: Japan's Foreign Policy Elites and the East Asian Economic Caucus
pp. 57-85
The Japanese Role in the Emerging Asia-Pacific Order: A Role for State and Non-State Actors?
pp. 87-112
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Southeast Asia and Japan: Organizing for Regional Democracy?
pp. 113-128
Changing Japanese Economic Policy toward East Asia in the Postwar Period
pp. 147-173
The Effects of the Asian Crisis on Japan's Manufacturing Foreign Direct Investment in Asia
pp. 199-216
Driving Regional Integration: Japanese Firms and the Development of the ASEAN Automobile Industry
pp. 217-245
The Role of Japanese Overseas Affiliates and Technology Transfer: Implications for Indonesia
pp. 247-261
Financial Cooperation and Integration in Pacific Asia: The Role of Multilateral and Regional Organizations
pp. 263-284
Action and Reaction, Direct and Indirect Leadership: Re-evaluating Japan's Role in Asian Regional Cooperation
pp. 297-324