Hybrid DIJ Study Group on National Identity Discourses in Japan

The Rugby World Cup held in Japan in 2019 was an intriguing example of a large-scale international sporting event that triggered national identity discourses. A multi-ethnic team which represented Japan with outstanding success, Japan’s national rugby team’s journey through the tournament was broadly covered in the media and the team was cheered on by fans across the country. Yet, the myth of mono-ethnicity still resonates with some segments in Japanese society. The resulting tension is brought into focus by intensive media reporting and can ultimately lead to a process of redefining a nation-state’s self-perception. This presentation will discuss the tensions between the assumed mono-ethnicity and the reality of a changing society. How does this discourse of national belonging in Japan take place? What is considered diverse in Japan and where do national and international reporting clash regarding Japanese national identity? Details and registration here
Jane Khanizadeh, LMU Munich/DIJ Tokyo