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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien


Florian Kohlbacher, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) Tokyo, Japan in collaboration with George Moschis, the Center for Mature Consumer Studies (CMCS), Georgia State University

International Workshop

Consumption and Well-being in the Aging Society. Advancing Research on Older Consumers

September 29 - October 1, 2011

The aim of this workshop is to bring together international experts studying older adults in various fields to present their latest ideas and empirical research in order to help develop an agenda for future research on older consumers. The presentations are intended to stimulate discussion of research topics, methods and ideas that could suggest new avenues for studying older adults as consumers from a cross-cultural perspective. The workshop is also expected to facilitate future collaborative studies among participants. It will be limited to invited, active participants, and will be rather informal in format and style.

We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung


Day 1         September 29th (Thursday)

DIJ Forum: Sustainability Issues in the Super-Aged Society

Hiroshi Komiyama, Chairman of the Institute, Mitsubishi Research Institute

Day 2         September 30th (Friday)

Closed workshop

Opening remarks

Florian Coulmas

German Institute for Japanese Studies

Introduction to the workshop

Florian Kohlbacher

German Institute for Japanese Studies

Session 1 Part I: Marketing Research on Older Consumers Around the Globe
10-minute short presentations followed by Q&A/Discussion

40 years of research on older consumers: Review and advances

George Moschis

Aging Consumers and Thailand & An Introduction to the Consumer Life-course Studies Group (CLSG)

Randall Shannon

Gift-giving among baby-boomers

Takeshi Matsui and Russell Belk (co-author Yuko Minowa)

Analyzing seniors’ ethical consumer behavior across nations

Lynn Sudbury Riley (co-author Florian Kohlbacher)

Coffee break

Session 1 Part II: Marketing Research on Older Consumers Around the Globe (continued)
10-minute short presentations followed by Q&A/Discussion

Correlates of cognitive age in Japan

Emmanuel Cheron (co-author Florian Kohlbacher)

Segmenting older consumers in Korea

Kwon Jung

Older consumers and well-being in Malaysia

Fon-Sim Ong

Adoption of technology and consumer well-being in later life

Florian Kohlbacher

German Institute for Japanese Studies

Lunch break

Session 2 Part I: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Gerontology and psychology
15-minute presentations followed by Q&A/Discussion

Seniors’ conceptions of well-being

Simone Pettigrew

Successful aging in Japan

Hiroshi Shibata

Health issues and their correlates in studying older people

Clemens Tesch-Roemer

Aging and Cognition

Neil Charness

Subjective age and aging: An aspect of psychological gerontology

Shinichi Sato

Coffee break

Session 2 Part II: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (continued)
Part II: Sociology and Engineering (gerontechnology)
15-minute presentations followed by Q&A/Discussion

Diverse life designs in the aged society

Hiroko Akiyama

Preventing social isolation of the elderly by using ICT

Takako Sodei

Technology acceptance among older people in Japan

Hiroyuki Umemuro

Wrap-up of Day 1

George Moschis and Florian Kohlbacher

Day 3         October 1st (Saturday)

Closed workshop

Session 3: Methodological Issues and Advances
15-minute presentations followed by Q&A/Discussion

Life course research approaches to the study of older people

Toni Antonucci

Qualitative life course research methods in studying older people

Jörg Strübing

Prospective life course research designs and findings in studying older people

Naoko Shimazaki

Consumer culture theory approaches to the study of older consumers and their well-being

Russell Belk

Research methods in gerontechnology

Ryoko Fukuda

Wrap-up and discussion of Session 3: Multidisciplinary research methods for studying older consumers

George Moschis

Coffee break

Session 4: Developing a research agenda for advancing the field
Discussion and wrap-up of the workshop


Florian Kohlbacher and George Moschis

Lunch break

Session 5: Opportunities for new research projects and possible collaboration
Discussion and exploration of possible future collaborations


Florian Kohlbacher and Randall Shannon

End of Workshop