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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Wörterbücher und Glossare. Eine teilannotierte Bibliographie japanisch-deutscher und deutsch-japanischer Nachschlagewerke (Dictionaries and Glossaries. A partly annotated bibliography of Japanese-German and German-Japanese reference tools)


1999, ISBN 3-89129-397-6, € 50,00, iudicium Verlag, Munich, 437 p., hardcover, many ill. [Order]


Stalph, Jürgen
Suppanschitsch, Harald

Wörterbücher und Glossare. Eine teilannotierte Bibliographie japanisch-deutscher und deutsch-japanischer Nachschlagewerke (Dictionaries and Glossaries. A partly annotated bibliography of Japanese-German and German-Japanese reference tools)


Wörterbücher und Glossare. Eine teilannotierte Bibliographie japanisch-deutscher und deutsch-japanischer Nachschlagewerke (Dictionaries and Glossaries. A partly annotated bibliography of Japanese-German and German-Japanese reference tools)

This annotated and richly illustrated volume lists and describes 1,011 dictionaries and glossaries which offer, either exclusively or in a multilingual context, equivalents of German and Japanese words.
Part 1 covers over 400 general dictionaries and Teilsammlungen, i.e. glossaries, textbooks, tools for language teaching, and collections of proverbs. Part 2 describes almost 600 specialised works from various fields, such as architecture, economics, flora and fauna, gastronomy and food, industry and technology, law, medicine, music, natural sciences, and sports.
7 indices list names, titles, first editions (1792-1945), third languages (ranging from Afrikaans to Yoruba, to trace the multilingual dictionaries included), and subjects.

To sum up: the present bibliography is a reliable, comprehensive, and carefully prepared reference tool of an extremely high professional standard, a model of its kind.
(H. Walravens, Monumenta Nipponica.)