DIJ researchers discuss care-led innovation, reactionary modernism, and Japanese-Thai relations at online conferences

One week before Christmas Eve, DIJ historian Yufei Zhou will give a presentation on “The ‘Reactionary Modernist’ and His Transnational Legacy: Werner Sombart and Japan” at the 7th German-Asian Study Day in Literary Studies and the Humanities. The online Study Day on December 17th is organised by the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies at FU Berlin and the Mori Ōgai Memorial Center (HU Berlin). One day earlier, DIJ principal researcher Susanne Brucksch will participate as discussant in a panel on social innovation among helpers and the helped at the conference “Care-led innovation: The case of elderly care in France and Japan”. The one-day event on December 16th is organised by the France-Japan Foundation of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). On the same day, DIJ senior research fellow David M. Malitz will give a paper on “The First Visit of a Head of State: King Prajadhipok’s Visit to Japan in 1931” as part of a panel on Japanese-Thai relations at the 7th Biennial International e-Conference of JSA-ASEAN.