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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
July 20, 2024

Open access article by Dolf Neuhaus on Japanese-Korean Protestant encounters

A new, open access article by DIJ historian Dolf-Alexander Neuhaus analyzes the early interactions between Japanese and Korean Protestants who came to Tokyo to study between 1880 and 1895. The article argues that this encounter played a crucial role in generating enthusiasm among Japanese Protestants to disseminate their religious teachings in Korea through evangelization. Divided into three parts, the article first contextualizes the rise of Protestantism in relation to the evolving bilateral relationship between Japan and Korea; second, it delves into the interactions between Korean students and Japanese Protestants in the early 1880s; and third, it examines the emerging debate among Japanese Protestants regarding the potential for missionary activities in Korea. The article “El encuentro del protestantismo japonés con la Corea antes de la primera guerra sino-japonesa” (The encounter of Japanese Protestantism with Korea before the first Sino-Japanese War) is published in Spanish in the Revista Internacional de Estudios Asiáticos (vol. 3, no. 1) and can be downloaded here