Book by Dolf Neuhaus on Korean-Japanese Interactions and Japanese Colonial Rule in Korea

What role did Korean students who came to Japan between 1880 and 1923 play in the discourse on Japan’s colonial and East Asian policies? How did their encounter with Japanese intellectuals of Protestant faith, especially in the environment of the YMCA and the Imperial University of Tokyo, influence their views? Drawing on a wide range of Japanese and Korean sources, Dolf-Alexander Neuhaus‘ new book Jenseits von Nation und Imperium. Interaktionen koreanischer Studierender und japanischer Protestanten (1880–1923) (Beyond nation and empire. Interactions between Korean students and Japanese Protestants, 1880-1923) examines how these students and intellectuals discussed Japanese colonial rule in Korea and the ‘Korean question’ and how their exchange of ideas influenced Japanese and Korean perceptions of empire, nation, and East Asia. The book is based on Dolf’s doctoral dissertation and is published by Campus in the Global History series.