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    DIJ Forum

    Since March 1997, the DIJ has been organizing a public lecture series called DIJ Forum where internationally renowned scholars and researchers speak on topics of general interest. The DIJ Forum usually takes place once a month and is aimed at both an academic and general audience alike.

    Selected lectures are available as audio or video files. They can be downloaded from our Podcast page or viewed on our YouTube channel


    December 17, 2009
    Happy Workplace for Innovation in Japanese Companies

    Noboru Konno, Professor, Tama Graduate School of Management and Information Science

    November 19, 2009
    Sōka Gakkai and the Politics of Happiness

    George Ehrhardt, Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University (USA)

    November 4, 2009
    Wellbeing in feminism and gender policies in Germany and Japan

    Ilse Lenz, Professor, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

    September 17, 2009
    Modernization and Life Satisfaction in Japan in a Comparative Perspective - A Theoretical and Empirical Approach

    Wolfgang Jagodzinski, Professor, University of Cologne

    June 25, 2009
    Towards an Economics of Happiness: From GNP to GNH

    Shinichi Tsuji, Professor, Meiji Gakuin University

    May 14, 2009
    Sex and the City: The Search for Kitto, Motto, Zutto Happiness in Manhattan and Tokyo

    Janet Shibamoto-Smith, Professor, University of California

    April 23, 2009
    Going Green? Japan and the Energy/Environmental Crisis

    Andrew DeWit, Professor, Rikkyo University

    March 19, 2009
    Indulgent Parsimony During the Great Recession of 2009 - Is Japan a Special Case?

    Kenneth Alan Grossberg, professor, Waseda Business School

    February 12, 2009
    The Japanese State and the Myth of Late Development

    Gregory J. Kasza, Professor, Indiana University

    January 22, 2009
    Stability and Fluidization of the Social Stratification System in Contemporary Japan

    Yoshimichi Sato, Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai


    November 13, 2008
    東アジアの国際政治と日本 (East Asia’s International Politics and Japan)

    Akihiko Tanaka, Professor, University of Tokyo

    October 2, 2008
    The Silver Market Phenomenon: A German-Japanese Perspective

    Cornelius Herstatt, Professor, Hamburg University of Technology, TUHH

    July 17, 2008
    Electoral Systems and Party Personnel

    Robert Pekkanen, Professor, University of Washington

    June 5, 2008
    Choose and Focus – The Transformation of Japanese Business Strategies

    Ulrike Schaede, Professor, University of California, San Diego

    May 15, 2008
    Policy for the Elderly in Japan

    John C. Campbell, Visiting Professor, University of Tokyo

    April 17, 2008
    Beyond Bush: Japan and Germany in the American Imperium

    Peter J. Katzenstein, Professor, Cornell University

    March 27, 2008
    Japan’s Foreign Policy: Between the Pacific Ocean and the Asian Continent

    Kazuhiko Togo, former Ambassador, Professor Temple University

    February 21, 2008
    Consumer Perception of Cause-Related Marketing

    Emmanuel Chéron, Professor, Sophia University

    January 24, 2008
    日本のテレビCMにおける外国要素の役割 (The role of foreign elements in Japanese television commercials)

    Shigeru Hagiwara , Professor, Keio University, Tokyo


    December 6, 2007
    Cohabitation and First Marriage in Japan

    Jim Raymo, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    November 8, 2007
    Evolving Japanese Perspectives on Death and Dying

    Alfons Deeken, Professor Emeritus, Sophia University

    October 11, 2007
    Labor market reform in aging Japan: A key for the structural reform plan

    Naohiro Yashiro, Professor, International Christian University

    September 13, 2007
    English in elementary schools? An overview of the issues

    Kensaku Yoshida, Professor, Sophia University

    June 21, 2007
    The Agony of Eldercare: Two Japanese Women Directors Study an Age-Old Problem

    Keiko McDonald, Professor, University of Pittsburgh

    May 31, 2007
    Invisible Civil Society: The Effects of 1960s New Left Protests on Contemporary Japan

    Patricia G. Steinhoff, Professor, University of Hawaii

    April 12, 2007
    The Challenges of the Japanese Integration Policy

    Yamawaki Keizo, Professor, Meiji University

    March 15, 2007
    Comparative Corporate Governance

    Christian Kirchner, Professor, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    February 15, 2007
    Japan's Innovation Agendas

    Taizo Yakushiji, Ph.D., Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office


    December 14, 2006
    Marital Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance: A Viewpoint Indispensable to Mitigating Fertility Decline

    Kazuo Yamaguchi, Professor, The University of Chicago

    November 16, 2006
    Politeness in Intercultural Communication

    Mayumi Usami, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

    June 22, 2006
    The Tokugawa Mating Game: Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in Historical Perspective

    Satomi Kurosu, Professor, Reitaku University

    May 18, 2006
    Japanese Grand Strategies: Past and Future

    Professor Richard J. Samuels, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    March 23, 2006
    Images of Japanese society presented in the ‘New Civic Textbook’ by Tsukuru-kai. Solutions for demographic challenges and social change?

    Klaus Vollmer, Professor, Munich University (LMU)

    March 2, 2006
    Ageing tourists, ageing destinations: tourism and demographic change in Japan

    Carolin Funck, Professor, Hiroshima University

    February 9, 2006
    Regional Inequality in Japan: Income, Health, Life Style, and Stature

    Jean-Pascal Bassino, Maison Franco-Japonaise

    January 16, 2006
    Foreign Policy and Nationalism in Contemporary Japan

    Katsuyuki Yakushiji


    December 15, 2005
    Work/life balance in corporate Tokyo: Whose Work? Whose Life? Whose Balance?

    Glenda Roberts, Professor, Waseda University

    October 27, 2005
    German Origins of Japanese Beer: Business and Consumption in Prewar Japan

    Harald Fuess, Professor, Sophia University

    September 22, 2005
    Lowest-low Fertility in Japan: Causes, Policy Responses and Related Value Change

    Makoto Atoh, Professor, Waseda University

    July 5, 2005
    Postindustrial Pressures, Political Regime Shifts, and Social Policy Reform in Japan and South Korea

    Ito Peng, Professor, University of Toronto

    June 16, 2005
    Gendering the Culture of 1960s Japan

    Vera Mackie, Professor, University of Melbourne

    May 26, 2005
    What is the corporation? How is it changing? A German and Japanese Comparison

    Masahiko Aoki, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University

    March 31, 2005
    Marriage in Japan in an Era of Declining Fertility Rates and Aging Society

    Shirahase Sawako, Professor, Tsukuba University

    March 3, 2005
    The Japanese Family Revolution

    Sepp Linhart, Professor, University of Vienna

    January 11, 2005
    Private Debt and Social Welfare in Japan: Consumer Finance, the "Middle-Risk Gap", and Japan's Social Contract

    Ulrike Schaede, (Professor, University of California, San Diego)


    December 7, 2004
    Japan's New Party System

    Steven R. Reed (Professor, Chūō University)

    May 27, 2004
    The Role of Religion in World War II - As seen in Germany, Japan and the US

    Dr. Brian Victoria (University of Adelaide)

    April 22, 2004
    Difficult Neighbors: Japan and North Korea

    Gavan McCormack (Professor, Australian National University)

    April 1, 2004
    Japanese Pilgrimage: Shinto Variations on a Buddhist Theme

    Michael Pye (Professor, University of Marburg)

    March 3, 2004
    Change in Japanese Employment Institutions: The Case of Temporary Work

    Dr. Karen A. Shire (Professor, Universität Duisburg-Essen)