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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Andere Welten? Jugend in Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich (Another world? Comparing youth in Japan and Germany)



National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, International Conference Hall
3-1 Yoyogi Kamizono-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0052



Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES)

Andere Welten? Jugend in Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich (Another world? Comparing youth in Japan and Germany)

April 27 - April 28, 1999

The DIJ is conducting an international youth symposium in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation. The aim of this symposium is to analyze how the real situation of youth is reflected in German and Japanese Youth Studies. The topic, quote;different worldsquote; refers to the different dimensions inherent in this comparison. For one, this is the difference between Germany and Japan. Secondly, there are the specific ways of thinking and living of younger generations in contrast to those of parents and teachers. A third difference to be analyzed and evaluated is the one between the female and the male worlds. Such focus on difference, however, also includes a search for similarities, not only in the actual life experience but also in the Youth Studies approach.

What developments can we see in the course of the last 20 years? The bursting of Japan’s bubble economy in 1990-91 has caused fundamental economic and social restructuring, deeply affecting the lives of young people. They face difficulties in the job market, as well as increasing insecurities in their search for identity. Institutions dealing with young people are forced to respond to this new situation. German youth research faces similar challenges, especially since the 1970s, in trying to track the effects of social developments on the lives and thoughts of young people.

Topics for analysis and comparison are changing gender roles, youth problems, and issues of everyday life and identity. Specific examples for each topic are meant to provide the basis for comparison and contrast not only between the two countries, but also between different perspectives. This symposium is meant as an opportunity to strengthen the communication between German, Japanese and American youth experts, whose different perspectives on similar problems can create a new understanding for the situation of young people, as well as develop new strategies for preventative measures and problem-solving.


Day 1         April 27th (Tuesday)


Keynote Speech

Leben in "anderen Welten" - Erwartungen an japanische Jugendliche heute

Atsushi Kadowaki, University Tsukuba

Panel 1: International Comparative Youth Studies

Paper 1: Soziale Integration von Jugendlichen in der Gesellschaft: Möglichkeiten des Vergleichs zwischen Japan und Deutschland

Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg

German Institute for Japanese Studies

Paper 2: Jugendbilder und soziale Institutionen in Deutschland und Japan - eine Untersuchung von elterlichen Erziehungsvorstellungen

Chisaki Toyama-Bialke, Tokyo University

Panel 2: Young Women’s Transition from School to Work

Paper 1: Neue Selbstbilder junger Frauen - alte Übergangswege in den Beruf. Zum Spannungsverhältnis von Wandel und Beharrung im Geschlechterverhältnis in Deutschland

Helga Krüger, Bremen University

Paper 2: Gender Track: Schulkultur und die Wahl von Bildungsgängen junger Frauen in Japan

Yuko Nakanishi, Musashi University

Panel 3: Young Men’s Identity Questions

Paper 1: Männliche Jugend in Japan: Wandel von Geschlechterrollen und Gender-Beziehungen

Futoshi Taga, Kurume University

Paper 2: Werte von Studenten in kritischen Moralfragen: eine empirische Untersuchung in Deutschland und Japan

Makoto Kobayashi, Keio University/DAAD

Day 2         April 28th (Wednesday)

Introductory Presentation

Integration und Ausschluß: Soziale Bedingungen von Jugendproblemen und Gewalt

Wilhelm Heitmeyer, University Bielefeld

Panel 4: Violence as Social Problem

Paper 1: Wandel von Jugendproblemen und Maßnahmen ihrer Bewältigung in Japan

Hideo Tokuoka, University of Kyoto

Paper 2: Jugenddevianz - Indikator für Desintegration in Deutschland und Japan?

Gesine Foljanty-Jost, University of Halle

Panel 5: Youth Unemployment

Paper 1: Steigende Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Japan - neue Probleme beim Übergang von der Schule in den Beruf

Reiko Kosugi, The Japan Institute of Labor

Paper 2: Gewöhnung an ein bekanntes Phänomen? Gesellschaftliche und individuelle Bewältigungsstrategien von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland

Monika Sommer, German Embassy, Tokyo

Final Round Table Discussion