2009, ISBN: 978-3-89678-817-7, EUR 19,90, Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung / Primus Verlag, Zürich / Darmstadt, 112 p. [Order]Authors
Coulmas, Florian
Boada, J.
Die Illusion vom Glück. Japan und der Westen actualidad bibliográfica de folosofía y teología
pp. 105-106
Die Illusion vom Glück. Japan und der Westen actualidad bibliográfica de folosofía y teología
pp. 105-106
Die Illusion vom Glück. Japan und der Westen (The Illusion of Happiness. Japan and the West)

Does the pursuit of happiness make people happy? Of late, scholars of various disciplines have dealt with this question. The reason is that capitalism has not really fulfilled its promises of happiness. This is particularly evident in Japan which imported these promises from the West. Japan was the first “developing country” and extremely successful at that. It caught up with the West in a generation’s time. But this hasn’t made the Japanese any happier. How can this be explained? Having been obsessed with consumption for a long time, the Japanese have begun to ponder this question themselves. If wealth, a long and healthy life and a high level of education does not make them happy, what does?