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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Japanstudien 15


2003, ISBN 3-89129-378-X, € 45,-, iudicium Verlag, Munich, 359 p. [Order]


Dolles, Harald
Ducke, Isa

Japanstudien 15

Mißverständnisse in der Begegnung mit Japan

Japanstudien 15

Volume 15 of the DIJ yearbook Japanstudien was published in December 2003. Its focus topic is “Misunderstandings in the Encounter with Japan.” The aim was to analyze the appearance as well as the solution and consequences of misunderstandings in the encounter with Japan. The underlying assumption was that both in the encounter between Japan and other countries, and within Japan herself, different forms of perception, thinking, feeling, and behavior may collide and that an erroneous perception of the message and its contextual signals can thus lead to misunderstandings. The volume includes seven articles on the focus topic – apart from the introduction -, which can be grouped into the following four thematic blocks: discourses of self-representation, discourses in history, cases from communication and encounter, and micro- and macroeconomic aspects. In addition, the volume includes two miscellaneous articles and reviews of eight books.


Hijiya-Kirschnereit, Irmela
Vorwort (Foreword)
p. 9-14

Dolles, Harald; Ducke, Isa
Mißverständnisse in der Begegnung mit Japan - Eine Hinführung (Misunderstandings in the Encounter with Japan - An Introduction)
pp. 17-35

Vollmer, Klaus
Mißverständnis und Methode: Zur Rezeption der Japandiskurse (Understanding and Misunderstanding the Nihonron: Modes of Reception and their Assumptions in the Field of Discourses on Japan)
pp. 37-68

Dudden, Alexis
Alternative Understandings of Power in Meiji Japan
pp. 69-83

Guillaume, Xavier
Misdirected Understandings: Narrative Matrices in the Japanese Politics of Alterity toward the West
pp. 85-116

Kowner, Rotem
Japanese Miscommunication with Foreigners: In Search for Valid Accounts and Effective Remedies
pp. 117-151

Kreitz-Sandberg, Susanne
Mißverstehen - reflektieren - unterscheiden - erkennen: Zur Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenz in der japanologischen Lehre (Misunderstanding - Reflecting - Distinguishing - Realizing: Towards the Development of Intercultural Competence in Japanese Studies)
pp. 153-197

Moosmüller, Alois
Interkulturelle Routinen in deutschen und amerikanischen Unternehmen in Japan (Intercultural Routines in German and American Companies in Japan)
pp. 199-218

Storz, Cornelia
Globalisierung, Technik, Normen - Warum weichen japanische Unternehmen von internationalen Normen ab? (Globalization, Technology, Standards - Why Do Japanese Companies Fail to Comply with International Standards?)
pp. 219-246

Vogt, Gabriele
Japans Begegnung mit Okinawa: Kulturelle Identität und ihre politische Funktionalisierung (Japan's Encounter with Okinawa: Cultural Identity and its Political Functionalization)
pp. 249-279

Philippi, Clemens
Between "Washington Consensus" and "Asian Way": Japanese Newspaper Authors Discussing the East Asian Financial and Economic Crisis of 1997/1998
pp. 281-314

Koch, Matthias
Seifert, Wolfgang, and Claudia Weber (eds.): Japan im Vergleich
pp. 337-348

Stalph, Jürgen
Katō Hidetoshi and Kumakura Isao (eds.): Gaikokugo ni natta Nihongo no jiten [A Dictionary of Japanese Internationalisms]
pp. 349-352

Flache, Ursula
Von den "Dos and Don'ts" - Drei Reise-Knigge für Japan (On the "Dos and Don'ts" - Three Travel Etiquette Guides to Japan)
Thiede, Ulrike: Reisebegleiter Japan: Was man über Japan und die Japaner wissen sollte
Thomas, Gothild, and Kristina Thomas: Reisegast in Japan
Norbury, Paul: Culture Smart! Japan

pp. 317-325

Germer, Andrea
Das Leiden an der Kultur (Suffering from Culture)
Graefe, Ayako: Doitsu no haha o kaigo shite [Caring for My German Mother(-in-Law)]
Neumann, Christoph: Darum nerven Japaner: Der ungeschminkte Wahnsinn des japanischen Alltags
Coulmas, Florian: Die Deutschen schreien: Von einem, der aus dem Land des Lächelns kam

pp. 326-336