DIJ researchers in Belgian and German media on Tokyo Olympics

DIJ human geographer Sonja Ganseforth and historian Torsten Weber are quoted in newspaper articles in the Belgian daily De Standaard and the German weekly Die Zeit. Sonja comments on recent criticism in Japan of the Tokyo Olympics. „Activists have been criticizing the exorbitant spending and corruption in the run-up to the Games for years“, she is quoted in the article „Japanners vrezen dat Spelen zullen fungeren als superverspreider“ (Japanese fear that Games may act as superspreader). „The expensive postponement due to the Covid crisis also leads to skepticism“, Sonja says. Torsten’s comments on how the Tokyo Olympics have become linked to promoting nationalism in Japan are quoted in „Olympia 2021 in Japan: Japans Nationalisten und ihr Plan mit den Spielen“ (Japan’s nationalists and their plan with the Games). Their research on the impact of the 2020 Olympics on Japanese society is part of the DIJ’s special project on the Tokyo Olympics and the open access book publication Japan Through the Lens of the Tokyo Olympics.