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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Sustainability in Japan

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    Sustainability in Japan

    Forschungsfeld seit Oktober 2022

    Leiter des Forschungsfelds: Sebastian Polak-Rottmann

    Sustainability lies at the heart of any long-term strategy, yet it encompasses a wide range of topics and definitions that require diverse approaches. In our research cluster we aim at analysing current developments in Japan, a country that has directed much attention to the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations. More specifically, we focus on three core areas of sustainability: resilience, diversity and inclusion, as well as green transformation.

    Our projects on resilience cover studies ranging from the relations of human and non-human actors to the demographic decline and the social life in rural areas, demonstrating ways in which Japanese stakeholders deal with challenges posed by natural disasters or population decline. Our researchers working on diversity and inclusion seek to understand the social fabric of contemporary Japan by investigating its particularities and marginalities. We analyse representations of disabilities in contemporary Japanese literature and discuss the inclusion of older adults in Japanese society. We contribute to research on Japan’s green transformation by providing insights into carbon pricing strategies and developments in green finance.

    This research cluster is an academic platform to discuss matters of sustainability from various perspectives and is thus an example of the multidisciplinary approaches of our institute. Apart from the wide range of topics, we engage in various levels of analysis including cultural artifacts, individuals, non-human actors, families, communities, organizations and Japan as a whole. These diverse approaches enable us to apprehend some of the most crucial aspects of the complexities of sustainability. In all our projects, we regularly collaborate with scholars and practitioners in the field.

    Verwandte Forschungsprojekte

    Care-led innovation: the case of eldercare in France, Germany, and Japan

    COVID-19: Japans Umgang mit einer neuen Herausforderung im internationalen Vergleich

    Creating places of resilience and communicative places

    Japans wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen – Abenomics und mehr

    Den Menschen zuhören: Psychologische Basisfürsorge in ländlichen Gegenden in Japan

    Regionale Unterschiede des Wohlbefindens in Japan

    Repräsentationen von Behinderungen in der japanischen Gegenwartsliteratur

    Gender und soziale Bewegungen nach 3.11

    Handlungen der Resilienz ergänzen: Die Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf kommunale Aktivitäten und zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement

    The Political Economy of Carbon Pricing and Green Finance. Comparing the EU and Japanese Discourses and Policy Approaches

    The Sociology of Pets in Contemporary Japan

    Die Werte der Nachhaltigkeit und die Nachhaltigkeit der Werte im heutigen Japan

    Abgeschlossene Projekte

    Arts and Literature after Fukushima

    Geldpolitik im ökonomischen Diskurs am Beispiel der Bank of Japan

    Regionalfragen auf der Bühne – Sozial engagiertes und Applied Theater in Japans Regionen

    Alterung und Pflege als kommunale Herausforderung - Deutsche und japanische Gemeinden im Vergleich

    Sustainable Consumption

    Risiken und Chancen der ‚Hyper-Solo-Gesellschaft’. (Re)Mapping Intimacy – Räumliche Perspektiven auf Persönliche Beziehungen im Japan der Gegenwart

    Aktuelle Publikationen

    Waldenberger, Franz & Ovsiannikov, Kostiantyn (2023). "Japans Gemeinden im demographischen Wandel: Eine quantitative Betrachtung". In: Chiavacci, David & Wieczorek, Iris (Eds.), Japan 2023: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (pp. 104-143). Iudicium. (Jahrbuch der Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung). LINK