15. Juli 2022
Franz Waldenberger at round table discussion on Japan after Abe’s assassination

Last week’s assassination of former prime minister Abe Shinzō has shocked Japan and the world. How can we make sense of this event and what does Abe’s death mean for the future of Japanese politics and society? DIJ director Franz Waldenberger will join DIJ alumni Axel Klein (University of Duisburg-Essen) and Alexandra Sakaki (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik) to discuss the implications of Abe’s assassination for Japan on July 15, 18.00-19.00 (JST)/11.00-12.00 (CEST), online, hosted by the Japanese-German Center Berlin. The round table discussion „Das Attentat auf Premierminister a.D. Abe – Einordnung und Folgen“ will take place in German. Details and registration here