"Marriage hunting" and intimate governance in Japan
Anna Woźny, Princeton University / Tokyo College
Higher Education, Lower Satisfaction: Hypogamy and Traditional Household Attitudes in Japan
Björn Becker, IAAEU at Trier University / DIJ Tokyo
Exploring Desirable Socio-Technical Futures in Japan: Perceptions of genAI and Cybernetics-induced Societies
Michel Hohendanner, Technical University of Munich/Munich Center for Digital Sciences & AI (HM)/DIJ Tokyo
Innovation for GX – dream or real?
Sustainability at Risk: Unraveling Yakushima's Complex Layers of Realities
Mathieu Gaulène, University of Nîmes
VSJF Annual Conference 'Sustainability in Japan'
"Just Like Defeated Soldiers": The Imperial Japanese Military and the Looting of Post-Surrender Japan
Samuel P. Porter, Independent Scholar
Opening to Omnilateralism in an Interpopular World
Wolfgang Pape, former EU diplomat
Akio Kawato, former Japanese career diplomat
Panel Discussion “Knowledge Born in Global Transit? Revisiting Migrants' Histories”
Why Futuristic Imaginations Matter
Fritz Breithaupt, Indiana University Bloomington
Hirotaka Osawa, Keio University Tokyo
Imagined Futures in Japan and Beyond
The Coordination State: Industrial Policy and Technology Transfer During Japan’s Postwar Economic Boom, 1950-76
Jonathan Krautter, HU Berlin
Lost in Plain Sight: Gaspar Cassadó’s Iberian Legacy
Rosi Song, Durham University / Katie Tertell, Durham University
From Providers to Nurturers – Depictions of Male Care Work in Japanese Manga
Ralf Windhab, University of Vienna/DIJ Tokyo
Fathers Need Friends: Changing Paradigms of Sociality and Family Engagement among Japanese Men Involved in Parenting-Focused Groups
Evan T. Koike, Tokyo College, University of Tokyo
Secret Agreements, Public Consequences: The 1960s Deportation Crisis of Taiwanese Dissidents
Wolfgang G. Thiele, Free University of Berlin/DIJ Tokyo
Attitudes Toward Facial Analysis AI: A Cross-National Study Comparing Argentina, Kenya, Japan, and the USA
Chiara Ullstein, Technical University of Munich
De-centering academia: InterAsian Perspectives
Between tradition and pop culture: The meaning of traditional Japanese materials and techniques in the practice of contemporary artists in Kyoto
Alexandra Faust, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna / DIJ Tokyo
The Role of Imagined Futures in Gendered Educational Trajectories: Adolescents’ Expectations and Uncertainty in Japanese Selective High Schools
Fumiya Uchikoshi, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
Fairness in Law: A Comparative Analysis of the Abuse of Rights Principle in Japan and Germany
Felix Dröll, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/DIJ Tokyo
Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct Securing Strategic Autonomy in the South China Seas: FOIP and BRI as Hedging Strategies
Stephen R. Nagy, International Christian University (ICU)
Building a Sustainable Future: Integrating Consumption, Finance, and Education
Promise of Freedom: Rethinking Modernity and World War II
Takashi Fujitani, University of Toronto
Jordan Sand, Georgetown University (Washington, DC) / Kokugakuin University (Tokyo)
Moderated by Torsten Weber, DIJ
Inhabiting the Interstice: the Regulation of Post-Bubble Housing Insecurity in Tokyo
Lenard Görögh, Freie Universität Berlin
Captured in Reflection – Japanese photography in Manchuria
Jasmin Rückert, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf/DIJ Tokyo
“Give Us Our Blue Skies Back!” The extraordinary anti-pollution movement of ordinary Japanese housewives (1950-1969)
Anna Schrade, independent scholar
Who Drives the Green Shift? Environmental Attitudes in Japan from 1993 to 2020
Carola Hommerich & Joanna Kitsnik (both Sophia University)
The Political Economy of Green Industrial Policies in East Asian Neo-Developmental States
Thomas Kalinowski, Ewha Womans University
Moving to rural Japan – Film Screening and Discussion
Sonja Blaschke, freelance journalist
Tomoo Matsuda, Mitsubishi Research Institute
How to deal with China - A Dialogue between European and Japanese experts on China
Socialising the Soldier: Negotiating History, Tradition, and Identity at Japan’s National Defense Academy
Ben Moeller, University of Oxford/DIJ Tokyo
Sixth Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network (JEN)
Japanese Career Women’s Persistent Identity Conflict
Helene Tenzer, LMU Munich School of Management
Christ, Codices, Coding: Applying AI to Jesuit Written Artefacts
Sophie Takahashi, Ruhr University Bochum/DIJ Tokyo
Feminist Foreign Policy in Japan? The Localisation of Pro-Gender Norms in Japanese Foreign Policy
Annika Clasen, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf/DIJ Tokyo
From Tokyo to Marburg: Japanese Female Doctors during the Meiji Era
Wen-Wei Lan, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU Munich)
The Japanese like to sue, but they do not have to: An Analysis of Traffic Accident Disputes in Japan
Julien Schickling, Goethe University Frankfurt/DIJ Tokyo
Religion in Japan’s Cultural Heritage Campaign: Latest Trends and Perspectives
Josko Kozic, Heidelberg University/DIJ Tokyo
Conceptualizing communicative spaces in rural areas in Japan and Germany
Japanese Politics – What Keeps Women Out?
Emma Dalton, La Trobe University
Naoko Oki, Sugiyama Jogakuen University
Japan’s Economic Security Policy – A Perspective from Germany
Hanns Günther Hilpert, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
National Identity Discourses in Japan: Challenging Mono-ethnicity in the 2019 Rugby World Cup
Jane Khanizadeh, LMU Munich/DIJ Tokyo
Mediated Social Touch. Interdisciplinary Explorations of Digital Touch to Connect Humans
Building peace with weapons. Germany’s New Security Policy and Japan’s Take
Claus Leggewie, Giessen University
Hideshi Tokuchi, Research Institute for Peace and Security
Spatial Dynamics in Japanese Poetry amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sarah Pützer, University of Oxford/DIJ Tokyo
Discursive and material dimensions of the digital transformation: Perspectives from and on Japan
Japan’s Strategic Partnerships and Great Power Competition in South East Asia
Thomas Wilkins, University of Sydney
Takashi Terada, Doshisha University
The Sublime and Wabi-Sabi
Philippe Bürgin, State University of Fine Arts Stuttgart/DIJ Tokyo
Patronage and “Confucian Diplomacy”: New Perspectives on Early Modern Scholarship in Kaga Domain between 1650 and 1720
Michael Dietrich, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg/DIJ Tokyo