The Realization and Implementation of the “Growth-oriented Carbon Pricing Concept” in Japan
Tokutaro Nakai, Nippon Steel Corporation
with comments by Nobuyuki Kinoshita, Tokyo Financial Exchange
Caught yet blind in Indra’s Net: Reflections on Interconnected Crises in the Late Capitalist Anthropocene
The Diversity of Japanese Churches: Examining Differences and Similarities in their Socio-Spatial Arrangements
Dunja Sharbat, Ruhr-University Bochum
Transnational Research in a Multipolar World
International Conference of the Max Weber Foundation
The (c)harms of Artificial Intelligence: an arts-based research approach to regulating emerging technologies
Freyja van den Boom
Patchwork Ethnography: Interpenetrations of the Personal and the Professional in Research
Chika Watanabe, University of Manchester
Panel Discussion 'Human-Machine Interaction and Responsibility'
Local Self-organization and Civic Engagement in Regional Japan
Joint book exhibition 'Mori Ōgai - 160th Anniversary of Birth and Centenary of Death'
Japanese-Thai Defense Relations in the Indo-Pacific Era
Digital Hermeneutics and the Integrative Potential of Epistemic Virtues in the Digital Humanities: From Trading Zone to Contact Zone
Andreas Fickers, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History / DIJ Tokyo
The Integrative Potential of Epistemic Virtues for the Digital Humanities
The non-internationalization of East Asian start-ups: the role of resources, strategies and context
Martin Hemmert, Korea University/DIJ Tokyo
Shinzo Abe's Legacy for the Future of Japanese-Southeast Asian Relations
'Caring Machines'
Giulia De Togni, The University of Edinburgh Medical School
Generation Z and sustainable consumption – results from interviews and a comparative online survey in Japan and Germany
Carsten Herbes, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany/DIJ Tokyo
Film Stardom and Representation: Takamine Hideko and Women in Post-War Japan
Till Weingärtner, University College Cork, Ireland
Ageing and long-term care in German and Japanese communities
Inclusion of elderly citizens in German and Japanese Communities: civic engagement and the COVID pandemic
The Intimate in and beyond Pandemic Times: Family, Personal Relationships and Singlehood
Smoke without a Fire? The Search for Populism in Japan
Axel Klein, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Joint book exhibition 'Ryukyu/Okinawa: 50 years since the reversion of Okinawa'
Unearthing Multispecies Intellectual History: Minakata Kumagusu, Queer Nature and the Microbial Paradigm, 1887-1892
Eiko Honda, Aarhus University
Using Delphi Survey to Predict how Technology May Transform Unpaid Domestic Work
Lulu Shi, Oxford University and Nobuko Nagase, Ochanomizu University
Comparing Labour-Cost Retrenchments in Times of Crisis: How Investors React to the Flexible and Rigid Strategies of Innovative Firms
Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt
Silk-Making Knowledge in Amami Ōshima as Critical Archipelagic Heritage
Lisa Onaga, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science / DIJ Tokyo
Art in the Countryside
Symposium on Art and Regional Revitalization through Case Studies from Japan
The Taboo of All Taboos: Regretting Motherhood in Japan
Forum Mithani, Cardiff University & Waseda University
Data protection regulation in Japan against the background of international trends
Ana Gascón Marcén, University of Zaragoza
Actors, Networks, and where to find them
Timo Thelen, Kanazawa University
The Future of Liberalism
Japan, France and Germany in global context
Cultural Specificity & Planetary Thinking: Reading Ishimure Michiko's Final Work
Christine L. Marran, University of Minnesota
Critical Discourse Analysis and the Politics of Reproduction in Contemporary Japan
Isabel Fassbender, Doshisha Women’s College, Kyoto
Health Infrastructure and Asia’s Epidemiological Transitions: Historical Perspectives
‘The Visible College of Urbanists’: Imagining Tokyo as a World City
Eric Häusler, Institute of Comparative Culture, Sophia University
Digital Currencies in Asia: Lessons for Europe
Masaki Bessho, Bank of Japan
Oriol Caudevilla, Digital Euro Association
Richard Turrin, Consultant
Hiromi Yamaoka, Future Corporation
Moderated by Jonas Gross, Digital Euro Association and Markus Heckel, DIJ
Ryokan: Mobilizing Hospitality in Rural Japan
Chris McMorran, National University of Singapore
Digital Technologies in the COVID-19 pandemic: A Transnational Dialogue between Germany and Japan (TechCo-Project), Ruhr Universität Bochum (cooperation partner Susanne Brucksch)
Joint book exhibition 'The City of Tokyo: Past and Present'
Toxic Food and Slow Violence in Japan’s Post-3/11 Literature
Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, Nagoya University
Aidana Bolatbekkyzy, University of Oregon
Globalizing the Social Sciences
German-East Asian Entanglements in the 19th and 20th Century
Japan und Deutschland in der Sars-CoV2-Pandemie (Universität Mainz): Familienleben in der Pandemie / Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy-Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Japan and Germany
Film screening and discussion with filmmaker Thomas Ash: ‘Ushiku’
‘Emerging from the mist’: Dissemination and Transition of Contemporary Shugendō
Josko Kozic, Heidelberg University
Digital Humanities in the Max Weber Foundation
Esther MEIER and Sebastian KINDLER (German Historical Institute Moscow)
Jörg HÖRNSCHEMEYER (German Historical Institute Rome)
Mareike KÖNIG (German Historical Institute Paris)
Anne KLAMMT (DFK Paris)
Jana KECK (German Historical Institute Washington)
moderated by Harald KÜMMERLE (DIJ)
What the D does to History - The Digital Age as a New Temporal Regime?
Andreas FICKERS (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History)
moderated by Harald KÜMMERLE (DIJ)
The Future of Society – National Ambitions and Strategies
Dietmar HARHOFF (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition)
Ulrike SCHAEDE (University of California San Diego)
moderated by Franz WALDENBERGER (DIJ)
From learning good manners to training one’s own apprentices: Female rakugo performers on Tokyo’s stages
Sarah Stark, University of Ghent
Data Infrastructures and Open Science
Miho FUNAMORI (National Institute of Informatics)
Jeroen SONDERVAN (Utrecht University)
Helmuth TRISCHLER (Deutsches Museum and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
moderated by Harald KÜMMERLE (DIJ)
Japan’s economic management: decades of self-induced paralysis?
Brieuc Monfort, Sophia University