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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Harald Kümmerle

Harald Kümmerle
Principal Researcher
History of Science, Digital Humanities
Since January 2020

Harald Kümmerle first studied mathematics and computer science at Munich Technical University, then Japanese studies and Japanese as a foreign language at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and Keio University Tokyo. He obtained his doctoral degree in Japanese studies from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg with a dissertation on the “Institutionalization of mathematics as a science in Meiji- and Taisho-era Japan”, which was based on research conducted during a stay as Visiting Researcher at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina as well as a stay as Junior Visiting Research at Keio University Tokyo. At the German Institute for Japanese Studies, his research focuses on the discourse on the digital transformation in Japan, where the concept of data is of special interest for him. For this, he uses methods from the digital humanities, especially topic models.

Current DIJ Projects

The Digital Transformation of Science

Conceptual history using digital methods

The discourse on the digital transformation in Japan: an analysis based on the concept of data

Completed DIJ Projects

History of mathematics in modern Japan

Recent Publications

Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (2024). "Japan’s ‘consensual’ variety of digital capitalism and its global relevance". Asia Pacific Business Review. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (February 21, 2024). "#readme.txt: Die Institutionalisierung der Mathematik als Wissenschaft im Japan der Meiji- und Taishō-Zeit". [gab_log] Geisteswissenschaften als Beruf. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2023). On the relation between Japan’s COVID-19 response and the National Data Strategy. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2023). "More Than a Certification Scheme: Information Banks in Japan Under Changing Norms of Data Usage". In: Khare, Anshuman & Baber, William W. (Eds.), Adopting and Adapting Innovation in Japan's Digital Transformation (pp. 193-211). Springer Nature. (Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific). LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2023). "多様性の不足こそが可能にする方法論的貢献 (Methodological contributions that are made possible especially through a lack of diversity)". In: 第26回国際科学史技術史医学史大会報告集 (Collection of reports on the 26th International Congress for the History of Science and Technology) (pp. 44-45). 日本学術会議史学委員会 (Commission for History in the Science Council of Japan).
Kümmerle, Harald (2022). "Catchword LINE mondai". DIJ Newsletter, 68. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2022). Japans digitale Transformation: Vorreiter, Nachzügler und Partner. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2022). "近代日本の数学の発展と当時の大学の制度: 教授職就任につながる「知識生産」[The development of mathematics in modern Japan and the university system at that time: The "knowledge production" connected to assuming a professorship]". 日本語と日本語教育 [Japanese language and Japanese language education], 50.
Kümmerle, Harald (2022). "Japanese data strategies, global surveillance capitalism, and the “LINE problem”". Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research, Vol. 3, No. 1 (pp. 134-159). LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2022). Die Institutionalisierung der Mathematik als Wissenschaft im Japan der Meiji- und Taishō-Zeit (1868-1926). Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften (Acta Historica Leopoldina). LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2021). "博士論文「明治・大正時代の日本における数学の科学として の制度化」:その成果と新たな問題提起 [Doctoral thesis on the Institutionalization of mathematics as a science in Meiji- and Taishō-era Japan: Results and proposition of new problems]". RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B85 (pp. 143-153).
Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (2020). "Introduction". In: Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (Eds.), The Digital Transformation – Implications for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (pp. 7-9). DIJ. (DIJ Miscellanea).
Kümmerle, Harald (2020). "Postscript: Comparative and historical perspectives on the digital transformation". In: Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (Eds.), The Digital Transformation – Implications for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (pp. 81-84). DIJ. (DIJ Miscellanea).
Kümmerle, Harald (2020). "Digitale Transformation in Japan: Diskurs- analyse anhand des Datenbegriffs". DIJ Newsletter, 61. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (Eds.) (2020). The Digital Transformation. Implications for the Social Sciences and the Humanities. DIJ. LINK
Kümmerle, Harald (2020). "Nihon no sūgakushi to no en o ete – ōbei kenkyūsha kara no teian 日本の数学史との縁を得て-一欧米研究者からの提案一 [Connecting to the history of mathematics of Japan – a proposal by a European-American researcher]". Journal of history of mathematics, Japan, 234 (2019-8) (pp. 10-16).
Waldenberger, Franz & Kümmerle, Harald (2019). "Big Data und die Zukunft der Wissensproduktion". DIJ Newsletter, 60. LINK