2018, ISBN: 978-3-86205-050-5, 50,- €, iudicium Verlag, München, 310 p. [Bestellen]Autoren
Bertram, Hans (eds.)
Parental well-being. Satisfaction with work, family life, and family policy in Germany and Japan

„Pursuing happiness is not only idealistic, it is the world’s best and perhaps only hope to avoid global catastrophe“ (Global Happiness Policy Report 2018). With that, the report argues for happiness as overarching policy goal. This volume argues that parental well-being is well qualified to assume a central role for governments of industrially advanced nations that are in need of coping with the challenges of low fertility and societal aging.
More than 4000 mothers and fathers of young children in Germany and Japan have been surveyed in regard to their well-being and satisfaction with many aspects related to their work and family lives. The volume brings together 13 scholars to analyze this unique dataset. The chapters fall into three main parts: (1) parenting and childcare, (2) self, social relatedness, and social structures, and (3) family policy well-being. A particular focus lies on the well-being of mothers in contrast to fathers. The volume uses a multidimensional concept of parental well-being, with each chapter highlighting one dimension, ranging from health, education, employment, and family policy satisfaction to partnership, social network, and childcare satisfaction. National differences are in several aspects superseded by gender, class, and personality types.
Class and conformity revisited: parental values and self-conception in contemporary germany and japan
Social resources and parental well-being: a comparison of japanese and german parental ego-centric networks
Partnership satisfaction in germany and japan: the role of family work distribution and gender ideology