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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Methods and Methodologies
© Ian Thomas Ash

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    Methods and Methodologies

    Research cluster November 2020 - November 2023

    Interdisciplinary research and the usage of various methodological approaches are key characteristics of our research at the DIJ. The utilization and strategic development of this potential is the goal of the research cluster “Methods and Methodologies”. This research cluster is directed both internally and externally. Internally at the institute, the focus is on exchange on a regular basis that spans all thematic clusters, the systematization of our interdisciplinary collaboration and the continuing professional development of the staff. Externally, we offer a platform for collegial exchange and discussion with colleagues around the world with the goal of harnessing the potential of Japanese studies research for other regional studies, the area studies in general and the disciplines. We achieve this in various ways, such as through events (e.g., Method Talks), publications (e.g., the handbook Studying Japan), and contributions to peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, we regularly engage in teaching and methods trainings.

    Detailed information on the lecture series 'DIJ Method Talks' can be found here.

    For some concrete insights into our interdisciplinary collaboration at the DIJ see the blog post Methoden und Methodologien in der Japanforschung – (digital) vor Ort by Nora Kottmann (in German)

    A collection of links to articles and videos related to 'Methods in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic' can be found here

    Related Research Projects

    Conceptual history using digital methods

    Press Start to (Re-)Design Your Research Framework: Game Design as a Method of Knowledge Production in the Field of Japanese Studies

    Publication project: Cultural translation in Japanese literature

    Completed Projects

    Comparing Comparisons

    COVID-19 and its effects on singles in Japan:
    Personal relationships and practices of intimacy in the time of ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-discipline’

    Handbook Project Studying Japan: Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods

    Research into Japanese society: Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Sustainable Consumption

    Recent Publications

    Kottmann, Nora (2023). "Mit Selbstbeschränkung durch die Pandemie". Kaihō – Mitgliederzeitschrift der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft in Bayern, 1/2023. LINK
    Kottmann, Nora & Dales, Laura (2021). "Surveying Singles in Japan: Qualitative Reflections on Quantitative Social Research during COVID Time". International Journal of Social Research Methodology. LINK