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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
August 24, 2022

DIJ researchers and alumni at 18th Japanologentag

Programme Cover © hhu

Six DIJ researchers and more than 30 DIJ alumni will be active at the 18th German-speaking Japanese Studies Conference (Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag) as panelists, chairs, and section organisers. Harald Kümmerle (“Die japanische Initiative ‘Data Free Flow With Trust’ aus infrastruktureller und begriffsgeschichtlicher Perspektive”), Markus Heckel (“Die unkonventionelle Geldpolitik der Bank von Japan”), and Celia Spoden (“Soziale Chancen und Risiken digitaler Technologien: Cybernetische Avatare und cyberphysische Räume als neue Möglichkeiten zur Partizipation an der Arbeitswelt”) will give presentations in the Economics section. Harald will also present a paper on “Big Data” (“Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Verortung von ‘Big Data’ und Implikationen für die Verwendung digitaler Methoden in der Japanologie”) in the panel on Digital Methods. Together with co-editor and DIJ alumnus Hanno Jentzsch, Sonja Ganseforth will give a book talk on Rethinking Locality in Japan in the Ethnology section. Barbara Holthus and Nora Kottmann are convenors of the Sociology section. The conference takes place online from 24-26 August, 2022. Details and programme (in German) here