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DIJ Forum
Seit März 1997 lädt das DIJ unter dem Titel DIJ Forum zu öffentlichen Vorträgen ein, bei denen international renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu Themen von allgemeinem Interesse sprechen. Das DIJ Forum findet in der Regel einmal pro Monat statt und richtet sich an eine breite Öffentlichkeit.
Die meisten DIJ Foren werden aufgezeichnet. Sie können sich die aufgezeichneten Vorträge nach der Veranstaltung entweder als Audiodatei auf unserer Podcast-Seite herunterladen oder das Video auf unserem YouTube-Kanal ansehen.
Japan’s Corporate Governance Code - Driver of Change?
Nicholas Benes, BDTI
Takaya Seki, Corporate Practice Partner Inc.
Industrial Policy in the 21st Century: The Case of Japan
Professor Stefan Lippert, Temple University (Japan Campus)
Risk and Opportunity – Japan Confronting Uncertain Futures
Franz Waldenberger, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Strengths and weaknesses of national research and innovation systems – comparing Germany and Japan
Professor Tateo Arimoto, GRIPS and JST
Professor Dietmar Harhoff, MPI for Innovation and Competition and EFI
Time and Culture
Florian Coulmas, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Improving The People’s Lot? Well-Being Between Promise And Reality
Panel Discussion
Effects of the Hierarchical Nature of Social Networks in Japanese/Asian Context: A Survey Approach
Professor Ken’ichi Ikeda, Doshisha University
Three Myths about the Japanese Red Army: What you Think you Know is Probably Wrong!
Professor Patricia G. Steinhoff, University of Hawaii
Opportunities and Constrains for Japanese Women Pursuing a Career: Between Self-fulfilment and Frustration
Markus Pudelko, Professor, University of Tübingen
Citizen Radiation Measurement Stations after 3.11: Food Safety Knowledge Gaps and the Problem of “Citizen” in Citizen Science
Aya H. Kimura, Professor, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Knowing one's Enemy: Japan's Korean Community, and Those Who Hate Them
Tom Gill, Professor, Meiji Gakuin University
Language, Security and Freedom in Okinawa
Patrick Heinrich, Professor, Dokkyo University
The Rise of Ikumen (child caring fathers) in Contemporary Japan
Masako Ishii-Kuntz, Professor, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo
Is Japan a Lead Market for Age-Based Innovations?
Cornelius Herstatt, Professor, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Japanese Companies Respond to the Unforeseen: The 3/11 Disaster, Population Ageing, and Environmentalism
Kenichi Matsuno, Professor, Babson College & Visiting Professor, Josai University & Josai International University
Shrinking Rural Communities in Japan: Community ownership of assets as a development potential?
Thomas Feldhoff, PD, Frankfurt University
The Cost of NIMBY: Policy Images, Foreign Blueprints and Civil Society’s Assault on Japan’s Post-Fukushima Energy Policy
Paul J. Scalise, The University of Tokyo
Social Capital in Post-Disaster Recovery
Daniel Aldrich, Professor, Purdue University
Welfare States and the Redistribution of Happiness
Hiroshi Ono, Professor, Texas A&M University
Who Will Care for Me When I'm Dead?
Ancestors, Homeless Spirits, and New Afterlives in Low Fertility Japan
Satsuki Kawano, Professor, University of Guelph
Sustainable Development, Frontier of Business, and its Application to Tohoku
Yoshitaka Okada, Sophia University, Faculty of Liberal Arts
The Truth About Mothers
Dave McCaughan, Director of Truth Central, McCann Worldgroup
Why America Spends While Japan and Europe Save
Sheldon Garon, Princeton University, East Asian Studies
Happiness: The View from Economics
Bruno Frey, Professor, University of Zurich, Department of Economics
Happiness in Japan before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Yukiko Uchida, Professor, Kyoto University, Kokoro Research Center
Bridging the Cultural Divide: University-Industry Research Collaborations in Japan, the United States and Korea
Martin Hemmert, Professor, Korea University Business School
Rethinking Japanese Public Opinion and Security: From LDP to DPJ Rule
Paul Midford, Norwegian University for Science and Technology Trondheim
The Future of "Old" Industry in Japan: Hollowing Out, Growing with Asia, or Switching to Services?
Martin Schulz, Fujitsu Research Institute (FRI)
The Role of Giving and Volunteering for Post-Disaster Reconstruction
Naoto Yamauchi, Professor, Osaka University
What is a Happy Family? German and Japanese Case Studies
Christoph Wulf, Free University Berlin / Shoko Suzuki, Kyoto University
Sustainability Issues in the Super-Aged Society - Prospecting the “Platinum Society”
Hiroshi Komiyama, Chairman of the Institute, Mitsubishi Research Institute
Aftermath: Religion in the Wake of Aum
The Future Hope of Japan - Aerospace Science and Technology Developments of JAXA
Midori Nishiura, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
The Secrets of "Sūpā Rōjin": Fundamentals of a Successful Aging Society in Japan
Hiroshi Shibata, Professor, University of Human Arts and Sciences
Inventing Ise: the Ise Shrines in Meiji Japan
John Breen, SOAS, University of London / International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Religion and Politics. Japan, Germany and Switzerland in Comparison
Explaining the Collapse of the LDP Regime
Jun Saito, Yale University
Post-racial Obama in Japan? Struggles of Blood Ideology Amid Calls for Change
Christine R. Yano, Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Where are Japanese universities heading?
Inoki Takenori, Director-General, International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)
Policing obesity in Japan. Health politics and Japanese-style risk society
Wolfram Manzenreiter, Ass. Professor, University of Vienna
World Class beyond Toyota – Japanese “Hidden Champions”
Stefan Lippert, Professor, Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business, Tokyo
Happy Workplace for Innovation in Japanese Companies
Noboru Konno, Professor, Tama Graduate School of Management and Information Science
Sōka Gakkai and the Politics of Happiness
George Ehrhardt, Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University (USA)
Wellbeing in feminism and gender policies in Germany and Japan
Ilse Lenz, Professor, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Modernization and Life Satisfaction in Japan in a Comparative Perspective - A Theoretical and Empirical Approach
Wolfgang Jagodzinski, Professor, University of Cologne
Towards an Economics of Happiness: From GNP to GNH
Shinichi Tsuji, Professor, Meiji Gakuin University
Sex and the City: The Search for Kitto, Motto, Zutto Happiness in Manhattan and Tokyo
Janet Shibamoto-Smith, Professor, University of California
Going Green? Japan and the Energy/Environmental Crisis
Andrew DeWit, Professor, Rikkyo University
Indulgent Parsimony During the Great Recession of 2009 - Is Japan a Special Case?
Kenneth Alan Grossberg, professor, Waseda Business School
The Japanese State and the Myth of Late Development
Gregory J. Kasza, Professor, Indiana University