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Symposia and Conferences
Centenary International Symposium on the Russo-Japanese War and the Portsmouth Peace Treaty
Recent Developments in the Automotive Supplier Industry in Japan and the EU
The Automobile Industry in Japan and Germany - Strategic Challenges and New Perspectives in the Age of Globalization
Takeuchi Yoshimi – Thinker of a Different Modernity in East Asia?
Gender and Nation: Historical Perspectives on Japan
Dementia - Current Issues in Long-Term Care, Medical Care and Legal Support
The Centennial of a Historical Watershed: Legacies of the Russo-Japanese War 1904-05
Changing Corporate Governance Systems – Germany and Japan in Comparison
Automobilindustrie in Japan und China
Umbruch von Markt- und Industriestrukturen in Japan – Chancen für die deutsche Wirtschaft
Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse in Ostasien - Versuch einer Zwischenbilanz
Capital Markets and Corporate Finance in Japan
The Changing Structure of Labor in Japan - Japanese Human Resource Management between Continuity and Innovation
Information and Communication Technologies in Japan, Germany and the U.S.: Institutional Frameworks, Competitiveness and Learning Processes
The Future of Corporate Pensions in the United States and Japan
Deutschland und Japan: Mit Reformen zu neuer Dynamik
The Omnipresence of Discourses of Self-Assertion in East Asia: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Perspectives
Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History: Colonialism, Regionalism and Borders
Japan und Korea auf dem Weg in eine gemeinsame Zukunft - Aufgaben und Perspektiven (Japan and Korea on the Road to a Joint Future - Tasks and Perspectives)
Individual Responsibility vs. Social Solidarity – Current Economic and Legal Issues Concerning Social Policy in Japan and Germany
Regional Monetary Cooperation: Is East Asia Following the European Model?
Discourses of Cultural and Political Self-Assertion in East Asia
Japan and China: Economic Relations in Transition
Asian Discourses of Cultural and Political Self-Assertion in East Asia
Japan and Prussia
Contested Historiography – Feminist Perspectives on World War II
The Faces of Skin
Pluralismus der Sprachen und Globalität der Wissenschaft
Economic Crisis and Transformation in Southeast Asia: Strategic Responses by Japanese and European Firms
Andere Welten? Jugend in Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich (Another world? Comparing youth in Japan and Germany)
Following in the Footsteps of World Literature: A Symposium on German-Japanese/Japanese-German Translation
Regional Cooperation in Asia: Will Japan stand up toa Leadership Role?
Business Venture Creation and New Human Resource Management Strategies in Japan, Europe, and the USA
Political Reform in Japan - Entering a New Era of Japanese Democracy?
Between External Shocks and Internal Evolution: Towards a New Phase in Japanese Management Practices
Aging and Social Policy - A German-Japanese Comparison
Aging and Social Policy - A German-Japanese Comparison
The Japanese Empire in East Asia and its Postwar Legacy
Japan als Fallbeispiel in den Wissenschaften (Placing Japan in Paradigmatic Perspective)
Japan - Konkurrent und Partner im globalen Wettbewerb (Japan - Rival and Partner in Global Competition)
Employment Systems and Human Resources Management in Retailing: the Case of Japan, United Kingdom, Germany and France
Planung, Wettbewerb und wirtschaftlicher Wandel - Ein deutsch-japanischer Vergleich
Wertewandel in Industrienationen: Ein Vergleich Deutschland, Japan und Osteuropa (Transformation of Values in Industrialized Nations: A Comparison between Germany, Japan, and Eastern Europe)
Wertewandel in Industrienationen: Ein Vergleich Deutschland, Japan und Osteuropa (Transformation of Values in Industrialized Nations: A Comparison between Germany, Japan, and Eastern Europe)
1945 in Europe and Asia - Reconsidering the End of Word War II and the Change of the World Order
1945 in Europe and Asia - Reconsidering the End of Word War II and the Change of the World Order
Das Bild der Familie in den japanischen Medien
Die Rolle Kyūshūs und Okinawas im ostasiatischen Wirtschaftsraum
Kontinuität und Fremdbestimmung: Zum Einfluß der Besatzungsmächte auf die deutsche und japanische Rechtsordnung 1945 bis 1950