Asian Business & Management, 2019 (18, 3)
Eichelberg, Sven; Holthus, Barbara
30 Years Interdisciplinary Research on Site. 1988 - 2018
30 Years Interdisciplinary Research on Site. 1988 - 2018
Weber, Torsten
Embracing ‘Asia’ in China and Japan. Asianism Discourse and the Contest for Hegemony, 1912-1933 (Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series)
Embracing ‘Asia’ in China and Japan. Asianism Discourse and the Contest for Hegemony, 1912-1933 (Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series)
Contemporary Japan 27, Nr. 1, Body Concepts: Changing Discourses of the Body in Contemporary Japanese Society
Coulmas, Florian
Tokio. Vom Glück urbanen Lebens
Tokio. Vom Glück urbanen Lebens
Coulmas, Florian
文字の言語学。現代文字論入門 [Writing Systems: An introduction to their linguistic analysis]. Saito Shinji (Translator)
文字の言語学。現代文字論入門 [Writing Systems: An introduction to their linguistic analysis]. Saito Shinji (Translator)
Peter Backhaus
国際結婚家族のお受験体験記 [Juken-Erfahrungen einer binationalen Familie]
国際結婚家族のお受験体験記 [Juken-Erfahrungen einer binationalen Familie]
Coulmas, Florian
Sociolinguistics. The Study of Speakers' Choices. Second Edition
Sociolinguistics. The Study of Speakers' Choices. Second Edition
Coulmas, Florian
Writing and Society. An Introduction
Writing and Society. An Introduction
Iwata-Weickgenannt, Kristina; Tanaka, Hiromi; Godzik, Maren
Beyond a Standardized Life Course. Biographical Choices about Work, Family and Housing in Japan and Germany
Beyond a Standardized Life Course. Biographical Choices about Work, Family and Housing in Japan and Germany
Klien, Susanne; Hommerich, Carola
International Journal of Wellbeing 2 (4). Special Issue: Happiness: Does Culture Matter?
International Journal of Wellbeing 2 (4). Special Issue: Happiness: Does Culture Matter?
Coulmas, Florian
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 218. Language Identification Reconsidered
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 218. Language Identification Reconsidered
Coulmas, Florian; Stalpers, Judith
Fukushima. Vom Erdbeben zur atomaren Katastrophe
Fukushima. Vom Erdbeben zur atomaren Katastrophe
Klein, Axel; Winkler, Chris
Analyse politischer Systeme: Japan
Analyse politischer Systeme: Japan
Backhaus, Peter
Communication in Elderly Care. Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Communication in Elderly Care. Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Lützeler, Ralph; Coulmas, Florian
Imploding Populations in Japan and Germany
Imploding Populations in Japan and Germany
Coulmas, Florian; Stalpers, Judith
Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen: Japan
Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen: Japan
Coulmas, Florian
Hiroshima. Geschichte und Nachgeschichte
Hiroshima. Geschichte und Nachgeschichte
Kohlbacher, Florian; Gudorf, Pascal; Herstatt, Cornelius
Silver Business in Japan: Implications of Demographic Change for Human Resource Management and Marketing
Silver Business in Japan: Implications of Demographic Change for Human Resource Management and Marketing
Holthus, Barbara
Paarbeziehungen in japanischen Frauenzeitschriften seit 1970: Medien und Geschlecht in Japan
Paarbeziehungen in japanischen Frauenzeitschriften seit 1970: Medien und Geschlecht in Japan
Backhaus, Peter; Coulmas, Florian
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 200. Social Aging and Language
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 200. Social Aging and Language
Stalph, Jürgen; Hijiya-Kirschnereit, Irmela; Schlecht, Wolfgang; Ueda, Kōji
Großes japanisch-deutsches Wörterbuch. Wadokudaijiten. Band 1: A–I
Großes japanisch-deutsches Wörterbuch. Wadokudaijiten. Band 1: A–I
Coulmas, Florian
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 199. Multilingualism and Language Politics: New Challenges
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 199. Multilingualism and Language Politics: New Challenges
Coulmas, Florian
Die Illusion vom Glück. Japan und der Westen
Die Illusion vom Glück. Japan und der Westen
Backhaus, Peter; Coulmas, Florian; Shōji, Hiroshi
Nihon no gengo keikan (Japan’s linguistic landscape)
Nihon no gengo keikan (Japan’s linguistic landscape)
Schad-Seifert, Annette; Conrad, Harald; Vogt, Gabriele; Coulmas, Florian
The Demographic Challenge: A Handbook about Japan
The Demographic Challenge: A Handbook about Japan
Coulmas, Florian
Die Gesellschaft Japans. Arbeit, Familie und demographische Krise
Die Gesellschaft Japans. Arbeit, Familie und demographische Krise
Harmer, Claus; Koch, Matthias; Coulmas, Florian
Trilingual Glossary of Demographic Terminology: English-Japanese-German, Japanese-English-German, German-Japanese-English.『三か国語対照人口学用語集 英日独・日英独・独日英』Dreisprachiges Glossar der Demographie: Englisch-Japanisch-Deutsch, Japanisch-Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Japanisch-Englisch
Trilingual Glossary of Demographic Terminology: English-Japanese-German, Japanese-English-German, German-Japanese-English.『三か国語対照人口学用語集 英日独・日英独・独日英』Dreisprachiges Glossar der Demographie: Englisch-Japanisch-Deutsch, Japanisch-Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Japanisch-Englisch
Coulmas, Florian
Population Decline and Ageing in Japan - The Social Consequences
Population Decline and Ageing in Japan - The Social Consequences
Ogoura, Kazuo
Japan's Postwar Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange Policies
Japan's Postwar Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange Policies
Saaler, Sven; Koschmann, J. Victor
Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History
Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History
Ducke, Isa
Civil Society and the Internet in Japan
Civil Society and the Internet in Japan
Moerke, Andreas; Walke, Anja
Japans Zukunftsindustrien
Japans Zukunftsindustrien
Haak, René; Pudelko, Markus
Japanese Management. The Search for a New Balance between Continuity and Change
Japanese Management. The Search for a New Balance between Continuity and Change
Haak, René; Bellmann, Klaus
Management in Japan – Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für deutsche Unternehmen in einer dynamischen Umwelt
Management in Japan – Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für deutsche Unternehmen in einer dynamischen Umwelt