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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Wir sind ein deutsches Forschungsinstitut mit Sitz in Tokyo. Unsere Forschung befasst sich mit dem modernen Japan im globalen Kontext.

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Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten

Event Series
13. Juni 2024

Hybrid Study Group on Southeast Asia and hedging strategies

Southeast Asia faces the conundrum that its largest economic benefactor China is also a geopolitical challenger to the region’s cohesion and rules-based order. How do Southeast Asian states balance their economic interests and security interests? What is the role of the Free and Open Indo-Pacific Vision (FOIP) and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in that balancing process? How can we conceptualize these balancing actions using hedging? Using Cheng-Chwee Kuik’s hedging framework, this presentation comparatively investigates how Southeast Asian states hedge against China by leveraging the FOIP vision and BRI to secure strategic autonomy. This research finds that the competitive nature of Sino-Japanese relations, as manifested in the interaction between the BRI and FOIP, provides Southeast Asian states extra regional assets to lessen the contradictions that exist between the beneficial economic interactions with China and its geopolitical challenges. Details and registration here

Stephen R. Nagy, International Christian University (ICU)
9. Juni 2024

Nicole M. Mueller to give presentation on Thomas Mann reception in Japan

No less than 15 retranslations of Thomas Mann’s Tonio Kröger were published in Japan between 1927 and 2018. How do they differ and what do the differences tell us about changes in Japanese society and culture? In her presentation „Japanese Thomas Mann Reception between Cultural Heteronomy and Emancipation – 100 Years of Japanese Tonio Kröger Retranslation in the Mirror of Digital Topic Modelling“ (in German) at the spring meeting of the Japanese Society for German Studies on June 9, Nicole M. Mueller will focus on the relationships of similarity and influence between the different texts. Using a specially developed digital analysis tool based on topic modelling, she shows that the different translation variants are located in specific historical contexts, which also reflect inter- and intra-cultural relationships of influence and power. The lecture will present first insights into Nicole’s forthcoming book on the same topic.

Event Series
6. Juni 2024

‚The Ends of War‘: onsite DIJ Forum on Modernity and World War II

Please note: this event is fully booked. Registration is no longer possible. Looking back upon the extra-long twentieth-century that begins in the latter half of the nineteenth century and that continues today, it has become increasingly clear that „freedom“ is not necessarily the antithesis of oppression and domination. Instead, „freedom“ has too often been the condition for the workings of power. One of the most obvious examples in modern Japan is the Japanese empire’s promise to free those in the Asia-Pacific from the bonds of Euro-American colonialism and racism. This relation between the promise of freedom and new oppressions has been a recurring theme in modern history throughout the world. This talk grapples with this question through the example of Japanese history, including during the Second World War, while discussing the complicity of freedom with the oppressions that have accompanied nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, the “emperor system,” and various forms of social discrimination. This DIJ Forum (onsite only) is the first event in the Max Weber Foundation event series ‚The Ends of War‘, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the end of World War Two. Details here

Takashi Fujitani, University of Toronto
Jordan Sand, Georgetown University/Kokugakuin University
Event Series
10. Juni 2024

Joint DIJ and DWIH workshop on interconnections of sustainability

The workshop „Building a Sustainable Future: Integrating Consumption, Finance, and Education“ delves into the interconnected issues of sustainability, sustainable consumption, sustainable finance and education. Collectively, they form a holistic approach to creating a more balanced and resilient world. Sustainable consumption encourages mindful choices to minimize waste and environmental impact, while sustainable finance directs capital toward environmentally friendly and socially responsible investments. Together, they create a powerful framework that fosters innovation, promotes responsible resource management, and drives positive social and environmental outcomes, paving the way for a sustainable and prosperous future. This one-day in-person workshop, jointly organized by the DIJ and the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) Tokyo, brings together eights experts who will share they views and latest research on different aspects of sustainability. Details and registration here

19. Mai 2024

Celia Spoden presents research on avatar robots at international symposium in Kyoto

DIJ researcher Celia Spoden will present latest results from her research project Cyber-physical spaces and avatar technologies: new opportunities for an inclusive society? at the International Symposium ‚Participation (Un)plugged: Exploring Dignity and Disability through Human-Robot Interaction‘ at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto on May 19. Her paper „An alter ego in the classroom: Potential and limitations of avatar robots for hospitalized children or children with disabilities“ is one of four presentations at the symposium that will explore how the digital space — where people, objects, and information intersect — can reshape notions of ‚personhood‘ and ‚dignity‘. Participation is possible online and onsite. Details and registration here

Event Series
15. Mai 2024

Hybrid Study Group on Post-Bubble Housing Insecurity in Tokyo

© Marcus Reichmann

Before the speculative bubble in Japan’s real estate market burst in the early 1990s, real estate prices in Tokyo skyrocketed without wage growth at all levels of society keeping pace. When the crisis hit, the city experienced unprecedented levels of homelessness. In response, labor and housing markets were subjected to neoliberal restructuring. But what created greater housing insecurity in other parts of the world seemed to have the opposite effect in Tokyo – the number of officially recorded rough sleepers dropped significantly. How could this be? Based on a reevaluation of Japanese literature, an analysis of government, industry, and business reports, and backed up by in-depth interviews conducted with both entrepreneurs and residents, this presentation will outline four case studies of fragile housing to examine the regulation of homelessness as an expression of Japanese capitalism in crisis. Details and registration here

Lenard Görögh, Freie Universität Berlin

Japan 2023: Articles by DIJ researchers and alumni on Japanese society, economics, history, and politics

© Iudicium

The latest issue of the Japan Jahrbuch, the yearbook published by the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan, includes four articles (in German) written by current and former DIJ researchers on Japanese society, economics, history, and politics. DIJ director Franz Waldenberger and Kostiantyn Ovsiannikov (Atsugi) provide a quantitative review of Japan’s municipalities in demographic transition, while DIJ economist Markus Heckel assesses the Bank of Japan’s monetary policy under Haruhiko Kuroda and Kazuo Ueda. DIJ historian Torsten Weber and Anke Scherer (Bochum) analyse recent developments in historical debates and historical consciousness in Japan. Former DIJ senior research fellow Christian G. Winkler (Fukuoka) examines domestic Japanese politics in 2022/2023. The volume is edited by DIJ advisory board member David Chiavacci and DIJ alumna Iris Wieczorek. For more details please see the table of content. The book is available as softcover and e-book from the publisher here.

Event Series
25. April 2024

Hybrid Study Group on Japanese photography in Manchuria

From 1932 to 1945, professional Japanese photographers, civilians, and soldiers took many pictures in Manchuria and North China. After the official commencement of the war with China in 1937 they began to contribute to the ‘National Reportage Movement’. Japanese authorities employed photographic propaganda to justify the Japanese government’s and Imperial Army’s activities on the continent. However, Japanese soldiers and civilians also used the camera to document and produce memories of their daily lives and experiences in China. This talk aims to bring forward new perspectives on photographic practices and on visually over- or underrepresented aspects of the Japanese occupation of Manchuria and North China. It introduces examples of private photo albums by soldiers stationed in Manchuria and discusses their creation as  processes of selecting and ordering images. Drawing on visual anthropology and media history, the presentation will show connections between “imperial” and “patriotic” photography, and between vernacular and formal photographic repertoires. Details and registration here

Jasmin Rückert, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf/DIJ Tokyo

Nächste Veranstaltungen

Keine Einträge vom 26. Juli 2024 bis zum 26. Dezember 2024.

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    Einblicke in unser Institut und seine Aktivitäten bietet unsere aktuelle DIJ Broschüre (Stand 2/2024)

    Call for Submissions

    Contemporary Japan
    Aktuelle Ausgabe Vol. 36, Nr. 1
    Contemporary Japan akzeptiert Einsendungen ganzjährig ohne Abgabefrist. Zur Veröffentlichung angenommene Artikel werden umgehend online publiziert. Weitere Details finden Sie hier.

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    DIJ Tokyo
    Jochi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F
    7-1 Kioicho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
    102-0094 Japan

    +81 (0)3 3222-5077
    +81 (0)3 3222-5420



    DIJ-ARI Asian Infrastructures Research Partnership