The research group on “Borders, Mobility and New Infrastructures” was established in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in June 2017, supported by the DIJ and the wider Max Weber Foundation (MWS). At FASS, it includes members from the Departments of Geography, Japanese Studies, and Southeast Asian Studies. It cooperates closely with NUS’ Asia Research Institute, especially the Inter-Asia Engagements Cluster.
Research projects focus on changing cross-border infrastructures, borderscapes, and new scales and spaces of interaction.
The research group particularly focuses on Japan’s multi-faceted role in Southeast Asia.
The group is led by James Sidaway (Geography, FASS).
Other members:
- Andrew Carruthers (University of Pensylvania)
- Sonja Ganseforth (DIJ Tokyo)
- Shaun Lin (Max Weber-NUS Research Fellow, Geography, FASS)
- Weiqiang Lin (Geography, FASS)
- Douglas Kammen (Southeast Asian Studies, FASS)
- Felix Mallin (Max Weber-NUS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Geography, FASS)
- Hendrik Meyer-Ohle (Japanese Studies, FASS)
- Yoshinori Nishizaki (Southeast Asian Studies, FASS)
- Vatthana Pholsena (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
- Simon Rowedder (Max Weber-NUS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Southeast Asian Studies, FASS)
- Naoko Shimazu (Asia Research Institute, NUS)
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Further details on the research group, its members, and research activities can be found here.
In December 2019, six members of the group together with eleven DIJ researchers met for a workshop on "Comparisons". Reflections on the exchanges can be accessed here.
Aktuelle Publikationen
Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2024). "Review of Hokkaido Dairy Farm: Cosmopolitics of Otherness and Security on the Frontiers of Japan Paul Hansen, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2024, xii, 304 pp. + index, ISBN 978-1-43849-647-4 hb, https://sunypress.edu/Books/H/Hokkaido-Dairy-Farm".
Japanese Studies.
LINKJentzsch, Hanno & Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2024). "Community-Based Care During COVID-19: Balancing Social Distancing and Social Care in Rural Japan – The Case of the Aso Region".
Tha Asia-Pacific Journal - Japan Focus, 22/3/5.
LINKKümmerle, Harald & Waldenberger, Franz (2024). "Japan’s ‘consensual’ variety of digital capitalism and its global relevance".
Asia Pacific Business Review, online first (pp. 1-17).
LINKMalitz, David M. (1. Februar 2024). "Karl who? – Haushofer, Japan and the Free and Open Indo-Pacific".
TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research.
LINKWaldenberger, Franz (2024). "Knowledge infrastructures". In: Joos, Klemens (Ed.), Convincing Political Stakeholders (pp. 484-488). Wiley.
Waldenberger, Franz (2024). "Wissensinfrastrukturen". In: Joos, Klemens (Ed.), Politische Stakeholder überzeugen (pp. 523-528). Wiley.
Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian, Schweyer, Victoria & Wunderlich, Jana (2023). "Gute Orte für das Alter: Bestandsrevitalisierung für eine kommunenbasierte Altenpflege".
Archithese, 4.2023 (pp. 18-23).
LINKMalitz, David M. (2023). "Guardians of the international order".
IPG Journal: Journal für Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft.
LINKWeber, Torsten (15. November 2023). "Drahtseilakte der Kooperation und „safe spaces“ für freie Forschung – wie soll Wissenschaft auf Autokratien, Populismus und Aggressionskriege reagieren?".
MWS Blog Geisteswissenschaften als Beruf.
LINKMalitz, David M. (2023). "Nicht nur Öl und Sicherheit".
IPG Journal: Journal für Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft.
LINKWeber, Torsten (2023). "Coping with international conflict and restrictions of academic freedom".
Weltweit vor Ort. Magazin der Max Weber Stiftung, 2/23 (pp. 55-55).
LINKWeber, Torsten (2023). "Mit dem Herz eines Buddha: John Rabe und das Nanking-Massaker".
Clausewitz Spezial: Pazifikkrieg (pp. 26-29).
LINKWaldenberger, Franz & Gagné, Isaac (Eds.) (2023).
Contemporary Japan, Volume 35, Issue 2. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
LINKWeber, Torsten & Becker, Michael (2023). "Clio-Guide: Japan". In: Daniel, Silvia, Enderle, Wilfried, Hohls, Rüdiger, Meyer, Thomas, Prellwitz, Jens, Prinz, Claudia, Schuhmann, Annette & Schwandt, Silke (Eds.),
Clio Guide – Ein Handbuch zu digitalen Ressourcen für die Geschichtswissenschaften. Clio-online – Historisches Fachinformationssystem e.V..
LINKTraphagan, John W. & Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2023). "Cosmopolitan rurality and changing life in rural Japan". In: Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (Eds.),
Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 187-210). Department of East Asian Studies. (Beiträge zur Japanologie).
LINKPolak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (2023). "Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Introduction". In: Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (Eds.),
Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 7-13). Department of East Asian Studies. (Beiträge zur Japanologie).
LINKJentzsch, Hanno & Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2023). "Rural spaces, remote methods – the virtual Aso Winter Field School 2022". In: Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (Eds.),
Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 63-78). Department of East Asian Studies. (Beiträge zur Japanologie).
LINKPolak-Rottmann, Sebastian & Miserka, Antonia (2023).
Research into Japanese Society. Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Department of East Asian Studies (Beiträge zur Japanologie).
LINKPolak-Rottmann, Sebastian (2023). "Being active and sharing happy moments: exploring the relationship of political participation and subjective well-being".
Asian Anthropology (pp. 1-5).
LINKWeber, Torsten (2022). "Review of "Transpacifica: Quellen zum deutschsprachigen Diskurs über die USA und Ostasien, 1900–1945" herausgegeben von Johannes Görbert, Stefan Keppler-Tasaki und Tomas Sommadossi; unter Mitwirkung von Nadine Ebert".
Bunron, 9.
LINKGeilhorn, Barbara, Arokay, Judith & Iwata-Weickgenannt , Kristina (Eds.) (2022).
Bunron 9. (2022). LINKWeber, Torsten (2022). "Catchword Kokusō".
DIJ Newsletter, 69.
LINKMalitz, David M. (2022).
Strong Public Support for the Japanese Responses to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. LINKMalitz, David M. & Sriyai, Surachanee (2022).
Introduction. LINKHeckel, Markus (2022). "Mit digitalen Yen bezahlen – bald keine Zukunftsmusik mehr?".
Japanmarkt, 1 (pp. 32-34).
LINKHolthus, Barbara (2022). "Catchword: Kodomo kateicho".
DIJ Newsletter, 67.
LINKZhou, Yufei (2022). "Transoceanic Contacts in the Making of Sinological Knowledge: The Case of Karl Wittfolgel’s Sojourn in East Asia (1935–1937)". In: The China Experience and the Making of Sinology: Western Scholars Sojourning in China. Harrasowitz.
Weber, Torsten (2022). "Alternative internationalisms in East Asia: The Conferences of the Asian Peoples, Japanese-Chinese Rivalry, and Japanese Imperialism 1924-1943". In: Legg, Stephen, Heffernan, Mike, Hodder, Jake & Thorpe, Benjamin (Eds.),
Placing Internationalism. International Conferences and the Making of the Modern World (pp. 199-215). Bloomsbury.
LINKWeber, Torsten (2021). "DIJ’s Bandō Collection featured at exhibitions in Beppu, Ōita, and Naruto".
DIJ Newsletter, 66.
LINKWeitzdörfer, Julius & Beard, S.J. (2021).
Double Debt Disaster. Law, Policy, and Social Justice in the wake of Japan’s 2011 Tsunami. DIJ (DIJ Miscellanea).
LINKZhou, Yufei (2021). "马克思主义史学与二战前及战时日本的亚洲观:以“亚细亚的”一词的流行与语义变迁为中心 [The Genealogy of “Asiatic Society”: The Emergence and Transformation in Prewar and Wartime Japan]". Shixue yuekan (History Monthly), 11 (pp. 107-117).
Geilhorn, Barbara, Arokay, Judith & Iwata-Weickgenannt, Kristina (Eds.) (2021).
Bunron 8. (2021). LINKWeber, Torsten (2021). "Project start in quarantine and Freiburg: Interview with Celia Spoden & David M. Malitz".
DIJ Newsletter, 65.
LINKWeber, Torsten (2021). "Catchwords mokushoku / mokuyoku".
DIJ Newsletter, 65.
LINKZhou, Yufei (2021). "The Reception of Rankean Historiography in Modern Japan". Xueshu yanjiu (Academic Research) (pp. 121-130).
Weber, Torsten (2021). "Catchword Bottakuri Danshaku".
DIJ Newsletter, 64.
LINKBlecken, Laura (2021).
„Selbstverantwortung“ in der japanischen Gesellschaft (Bd. 65). Iudicium Verlag (DIJ Monographien).
LINKBrucksch, Susanne & Sasaki, Kaori (2021).
Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts. Case Studies from Japan. Palgrave Macmillan (Health, Technology and Society).
LINKBrucksch, Susanne & Sasaki, Kaori (2021). "Introduction". In: Brucksch, Susanne & Sasaki, Kaori (Eds.),
Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts. Case Studies from Japan (pp. 3-20). Palgrave Macmillan.
LINKBrucksch, Susanne & Wiggert, Kevin (2021). "Theoretical Reflections on Medical Devices and the Sociocultural Context in the Locale of Japan". In: Brucksch, Susanne & Sasaki, Kaori (Eds.),
Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts. Case Studies from Japan (pp. 21-51). Palgrave Macmillan.
LINKBrucksch, Susanne (2021). "Conclusions on Socio-Technical Settings in Medical Contexts from the Locale of Japan". In: Brucksch, Susanne & Sasaki, Kaori (Eds.),
Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts. Health, Technology and Society (pp. 313-324). Palgrave Macmillan.
LINKBrucksch, Susanne (2021). "Insights into the Digital Transformation from the Fields of Medicine and Healthcare in Japan". In: Waldenberger, Franz & Kümmerle, Harald (Eds.),
The Digital Transformation: Implications for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (pp. 43-49). DIJ. (DIJ Miscellanea).
LINKWeber, Torsten (2021). "Pan-Asianism". In: Ness, Immanuel & Cope, Zak (Eds.),
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism (pp. 2164-2174). Palgrave Macmillan.
LINKGeilhorn, Barbara (2021). "「現実を変容させるフィクション」岡田利規の演劇からこれからの日本社会を読み解 (Fiction that transforms reality: understanding the future of Japanese society through the plays of Toshiki Okada)". In: Kimura, Saeko & Bayard-Sakai, Anne (Eds.), Sekai bungaku toshite no shinsaigo bungaku (pp. 97-118). Akashi shoin.
Weber, Torsten (2021). "Finding China’s ‘Asia’ in Japanese Asianism". In: Henshaw, Jonathan, Smith, Craig A. & Smith, Norman (Eds.),
Translating the Occupation. The Japanese Invasion of China, 1931–45 (pp. 209-222). University of British Columbia Press.
LINKZhou, Yufei (11. Januar 2021). "Max Weber in Japan: The Special Issue “Max Weber” in the Japanese Intellectual Monthly Gendai Shisō".
MWS Research Blog: Max Weber in der Welt.
LINKFrank, Lukas (2021).
Spiegel-Bilder. Die Darstellung von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Illustrierter Beobachter und Shashin shūhō, 1938 und 1943 (Bd. 66). Iudicium Verlag (DIJ Monographien).
LINKWeber, Torsten (2020). "Für Sie gelesen: Abc 4 Japan. Ein Kulturguide von Martin Fritz".
DIJ Newsletter, 62.
LINKGagné, Isaac (2020). "Style and Stylization".
The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology (pp. 1-9).
LINKWeber, Torsten (3. November 2020). "Starting his diary".
John Rabe's Nanjing Diaries.
LINKWaldenberger, Franz (2020). "The Japanese economy". In: Takeda, Hiroko & Williams, Mark (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Japan (pp. 58-79). Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Coulmas, Florian (2020).
Venezianische Wahrheiten. Iudicium Verlag (DIJ Miscellanea).
LINKGagné, Isaac (2020). "Dislocation, Social Isolation, and the Politics of Recovery in Post-Disaster Japan".
Transcultural Psychiatry.
LINKZhou, Yufei (2020). "临界状态”与东亚知识圈 [Transborderness in Modern East Asian Intellectual History]". Dushu 读书, September Issue 2020 (pp. 12-19).
Waldenberger, Franz (2020). "データをオープンにし、研究者を呼び込む (Make data open and attract researchers)".
海外での 日本研究の停滞 (Stagnation in Japan Studies Abroad), 48 (June 2020) (pp. 18-19).
LINKHolthus, Barbara (2020). "Review of Empire of dogs. Canines, Japan, and the making of the modern imperial world. Aaron Herald Skabelund".
Contemporary Japan.
LINKKottmann, Nora (2020). "Japanese Women on the Move. Working in and (Not) Belonging to Düsseldorf’s Japanese (Food) Community". In: Matta, Raúl, de Suremain, Charles-Édouard & Crenn, Chantal (Eds.),
Food Identities at Home and on the Move: Explorations at the Intersection of Food, Belonging and Dwelling (pp. 174-187). Routledge.
LINKWaldenberger, Franz & Sidaway, James D (19. Mai 2020). "Comparing Comparisons – Introduction and Overview".
Trafo Blog for Transnational Research.
LINKWaldenberger, Franz & Haas, Stefanie (2020). "Japans Erfolg in der Corona-Krise: Zufall oder System?". Kaihō (Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft in Bayern e.V.), 4/2020 (pp. 22-26).
Brucksch, Susanne (2020). "Sustaining Healthcare in Japan’s Regions: The Introduction of Telehealth Networks". In: Manzenreiter, Wolfram, Lützeler, Ralph & Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian (Eds.),
Japan’s New Ruralities: Coping with Decline in the Periphery (pp. 140-158). Routledge.
LINK (Eds.) (2020).
Dietrich Seckel: Berichte aus Japan. Iudicium Verlag.
LINKKümmerle, Harald (2020). "Nihon no sūgakushi to no en o ete – ōbei kenkyūsha kara no teian 日本の数学史との縁を得て-一欧米研究者からの提案一 [Connecting to the history of mathematics of Japan – a proposal by a European-American researcher]". Journal of history of mathematics, Japan, 234 (2019-8) (pp. 10-16).
Waldenberger, Franz & Kümmerle, Harald (2019). "Big Data und die Zukunft der Wissensproduktion".
DIJ Newsletter, 60.
LINKWaldenberger, Franz (2019). "Grenzüberschreitende Wissensströme. Transnationale Forschung am DIJ Tokyo".
Weltweit vor Ort. Magazin der Max Weber Stiftung, 2 (pp. 18-21).
LINKGeilhorn, Barbara (28. Oktober 2019). "I am convinced that academic mobility is crucial for innovative research – 5 in 10 with Barbara Geilhorn".
TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research.
LINKKottmann, Nora (2019). "Japanese-German-Symposium: Work Style Reform and Gender Equality in Japan and Germany – Report".
Journal. Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW, 44 (pp. 78-84).
LINKWeber, Torsten (2019).
Embracing ‘Asia’ in China and Japan. Asianism Discourse and the Contest for Hegemony, 1912-1933. Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series).
LINKZhou, Yufei (2019). "周雨霏《国际左派汉学与三十年代日本的中国研究:以魏特夫 [Marxist Sinology and Japan’s China Study of the 1930s]". Conference Proceeding Sino-Japanese Forum of Marxism (pp. 105-118).
Holthus, Barbara (2019). "Introduction to special section: Emotions and affect in studies on contemporary Japan". Contemporary Japan, 31.2 (pp. 118-121).
Weber, Torsten (2. August 2019). "Rabe and the ‘History Wars’".
John Rabe's Nanjing Diaries.
LINKWeber, Torsten (2019). "Japan’s new era has a name: Reiwa / Japans neue Ära hat einen Namen: Reiwa".
DIJ Newsletter, 59.
LINKHolthus, Barbara (2019).
Infrastructural Family Policy in Japan: Parental Evaluation. DIJ (DIJ Working Papers).
LINKKottmann, Nora (14. Juni 2019). "5 in 10 with Nora Kottmann.".
TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research.
LINKWaldenberger, Franz (2019). "Governance in the Age of Ignorance: The Role of Knowledge Infrastructures".
Global Briefing Report. G20 Leaders’ Summit (pp. 42-43).
LINKHolthus, Barbara (2019). "Infrastructural family policy in Japan: Parental evaluation". In: Meier-Gräwe, Uta, Motozawa, Miyoko & Schad-Seifert, Annette (Eds.), Family life in Japan and Germany. Challenges for a gender sensitive family policy (pp. 135-156). Springer.
Waldenberger, Franz (2019). "Einige Überlegungen zu den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen staatlicher Regulierung in einer durch Arbeitsteilung geprägten Wissensgesellschaft". In: Baums, T., Remsperger, H., Sachs, M. & Wieland, V. W. (Eds.),
Zentralbanken, Währungsunion und stabiles Finanzsystem. Festschrift für Helmut Siekmann (pp. 621-635). Duncker & Humblot.
LINKHolthus, Barbara & Manzenreiter, Wolfram (2019).
Bullseye view: Developing a sociological method for studying happiness. DIJ (DIJ Working Papers).
LINKWaldenberger, Franz & Gagné, Isaac (Eds.) (2019).
Contemporary Japan, Volume 31, Issue 1. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
LINKUtomo, Franziska (2019).
Tokyos Aufstieg zur Gourmetweltstadt. Eine kultur-historische Analyse. Iudicium Verlag (DIJ Monographien).
LINKZhou, Yufei (2019).
汉宁·里德著,周雨霏译《无处安放的同情:十八世纪道德哲学中的伦理实验》广东人民出版社. [Translation of Henning Ritter, Nahes und Fernes Unglück: Versuch über das Mitleid]. Guangdong People's Publishing.
LINKWeber, Torsten (9. Januar 2019). "readme.txt: Embracing ‘Asia’ in China and Japan. Asianism Discourse and the Contest for Hegemony, 1912-1933".
Geisteswissenschaft als Beruf Blog.
LINKGagné, Isaac (2018). "Contemporary Japan – DIJ’s Flagship Journal".
DIJ Newsletter, 58.
LINKJentzsch, Hanno (16. November 2018). "Netzfrauen.org und die Angst vor der Verstrahlung aus Fukushima".
Blog Ruhrbarone.de.
LINKGeilhorn, Barbara & Iwata-Weickgenannt, Kristina (Eds.) (2018).
‘Fukushima’ and the Arts – Negotiating Disaster. PAPERBACK. Taylor & Francis, Routledge.
LINKWeber, Torsten & Krickel, Nina (2018). "Japan". In: Busse, Laura, Enderle, Wilfried, Hohls, Rüdiger, Meyer, Thomas, Prellwitz, Jens & Schuhmann, Annette (Eds.),
Clio Guide – Ein Handbuch zu digitalen Ressourcen für die Geschichtswissenschaften 2. erw. und aktualisierte Auflage (pp. 1-24).
LINKWaldenberger, Franz (2018). "Das DIJ in Tokyo auch mit 30 Jahren voller Tatendrang./The DIJ Tokyo: 30 years on and still thriving/設立30周年ドイツ日本研究所のやる気". In: Eichelberg, Sven & Holthus, Barbara (Eds.),
30 Years of Interdisciplinary Research on Site 1988 – 2018 (pp. 38-41). DIJ.
LINKHolthus, Barbara (2018). "Review of Fukushima and the Arts. Barbara Geilhorn, Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt (Eds.)". Journal of Japanese Studies, 44,2 (pp. 461-465).
Kremers, Daniel (2018). "Ein Kampf ums Recht. Cause Lawyering für die Interessen temporärer Arbeitsmigrant*innen in Japan".
Zeitschrift für japanisches Recht, Sonderheft 9: Recht als Verwirklichung individueller Ansprüche in Japan. Diskurse und Anwendungen (pp. 171-210).
LINKKottmann, Nora (2018). "Verliebt, verlobt, allein. Romantische Beziehungswelten junger Erwachsener in Japan". In: Schad-Seifert, Annette & Kottmann, Nora (Eds.),
Japan in der Krise. Soziale Herausforderungen und Bewältigungsstrategien (pp. 99-120). Springer VS.
LINKKottmann, Nora & Schad-Seifert, Annette (2018). "Einleitung. Japan in der Krise". In: Schad-Seifert, Annette & Kottmann, Nora (Eds.),
Japan in der Krise. Soziale Herausforderungen und Bewältigungsstrategien (pp. 7-22). Springer VS.
LINKHolthus, Barbara & Lützeler, Ralph (2018). "Parental well-being in Japan: Regional differences". In: Lützeler, Ralph (Ed.), Rural areas between decline and resurgence: Lessons from Japan and Austria (pp. 93-97). Department of East Asian Studies/ Japanese Studies, Univ. of Vienna.
Brucksch, Susanne & Sasaki, Kaori (2018). "医療機器と医学にまつわるSTS研究、そして日本を事例とするSTS研究の可能性―ワークショップ (Humans & Machines in Medical Context: Case Studies from Japan: Seeking Various Potentials for Further Developments of STS Case Studies on The Relation between Medical Devices and Medical Practice in Japan)".
科学技術社会論研究 (Journal of Science and Technology Studies), 15(11) (pp. 148-153).
LINKHolthus, Barbara & Waldenberger, Franz (2018). "30 Jahre gesellschafts- und geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung zu Japan. Das Deutsche Institut für Japanstudien, 1988-2018".
Weltweit vor Ort. Das Magazin der Max Weber Stiftung, 2 (pp. 26-29).
LINKHolthus, Barbara (2018). "Parental satisfaction with family policies in Japan: An overview". In: Holthus, Barbara & Bertram, Hans (Eds.), Parental well-being. Satisfaction with work, family life, and family policy in Germany and Japan (pp. 264-292). Iudicium. (DIJ Monographien).
Holthus, Barbara, Fankhauser, Peter & Hundsdorfer, Stefan (2018). "Partnership satisfaction in Germany and Japan: The role of family work distribution and gender ideology". In: Holthus, Barbara & Bertram, Hans (Eds.), Parental well-being. Satisfaction with work, family life, and family policy in Germany and Japan (pp. 164-196). Iudicium. (DIJ Monographien).
Holthus, Barbara & Bertram, Hans (2018). "Parents in transitional Germany and Japan". In: Holthus, Barbara & Bertram, Hans (Eds.), Parental well-being. Satisfaction with work, family life, and family policy in Germany and Japan (pp. 9-15). Iudicium. (DIJ Monographien).
Kremers, Daniel & Izuta, Shunsuke (2018). "Bedeutungswandel der Zivilgesellschaft oder das Elend der Ideengeschichte: Eine kommentierte Übersetzung von Hirata Kiyoakis Aufsatz zum Begriff shimin shakai bei Antonio Gramsci (Teil 2)".
Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 72,1 (pp. 215-248).
LINKWeber, Torsten (2018). "Review of Silke Martini: Postimperiales Asien. Die Zukunft Indiens und Chinas in der anglophonen Weltöffentlichkeit 1919-1939. Berlin: Oldenbourg Verlag 2016".
LINKEichelberg, Sven (2018).
DIJ Newsletter (Deutsch und Englisch) 58. DIJ.
LINKEichelberg, Sven (2018).
DIJ Newsletter (Deutsch und Englisch) 57. DIJ.
LINKBrucksch, Susanne & Schulz, Franziska (2018).
Ageing in Japan. Domestic Healthcare Technologies. A Qualitative Interview Study on Care Robots, Monitoring Sensor Systems, and ICT-based Telehealth Systems.. DIJ (DIJ Working Papers).
LINKWiemann, Anna (2018).
Networks and Mobilization Processes: The Case of the Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement after Fukushima.. Iudicium Verlag (DIJ Monographien).
LINKHeinrich, Steffen (2018).
The Politics of Balancing Flexibility and Equality: A Comparison of Recent Equal Pay Reforms in Germany and Japan. DIJ 18/1 (DIJ Working Papers).
LINKEichelberg, Sven (2018). "DIJ Newsletter (Deutsch und Englisch) 56".
LINKEichelberg, Sven & Holthus, Barbara (2018).
30 Years Interdisciplinary Research on Site. 1988 – 2018. DIJ.
LINKBrucksch, Susanne (2017). "Employing the concept of techno-governance to analyse the field of biomedical engineering in Japan".
Global Perspectives on Japan, 1 (2017).
LINKBrucksch, Susanne & Wagner, Cosima (2016). "Introduction to the Technikstudien — Science & Technology Studies (STS) Research Initiative on Japan".
ASIEN, 140 (Juli 2016) (pp. 5-21).
LINKBrucksch, Susanne & Wagner, Cosima (2016). "Technikstudien and STS: Launching a Research Initiative Regarding Intersections between Technology and Society in Japan".
ASIEN, 140 (pp. 5-21).